Tarps have been around for a number of years and tarps can be used to catch moisture from rain or still water, keep dust contained, cover items that are being stored, create shade from direct sunlight or block harsh weather conditions.
Insect Control:
Clear vinyl tarps not only provide aircraft protection against the sun’s harmful UV rays but they also offer additional insect control. Clear tarps prevent mildew formation on aircraft resulting in a longer lasting hangar aircraft. The clear poly tarps allow users to see through them which help identify any rain damage whereas dark colored tarps make it hard to see problems with the aircraft underneath; something as simple as tree sap can cause long term damage if left untreated.
Another important pest control use is tarps can be used to protect plants and vegetables in the garden from birds and other pests.
Clear tarps:
The clear tarps provide a durable, lightweight alternative that allows users to see what’s underneath without taking up the extra space of full-size white tarps. Clear tarps are made from either polyethylene or vinyl materials. Poly tarps start out as a thin sheet but become stronger with heat which makes these tarps easier to get holes repaired; they also dry wet surfaces quickly whereas vinyl tarps get their strength from being thicker rather than heat. The thickness of the material along with water proof qualities makes them last longer but they remain flexible when not in use allowing users to store them more easily where space is an issue.
Both tarps are durable enough to stand up to heat, cold and sunlight so users can store them outside for extended periods of time without worrying about the tarps deteriorating. The tarps come with grommets along all four corners which make it easy to tie tarps down, hang tarps or use ropes or bungees.
Water proof tarp:
The waterproof tarps are great at keeping liquids contained whether it is rain water or oil spills from vehicles, construction equipment or generators. For those looking for an inexpensive tarp that will minimize movement under heavy loads then consider a 10 ounce vinyl tarp provides excellent protection against anything you want to keep dry including chemicals, fertilizers and landscaping supplies.
- Clear vinyl tarps provide a safer environment by allowing users to see their surroundings large tarps can be opaque so having clear tarps differentiates between people and objects. The tarps come in sizes from 2′ x 3′ up to 20′ x 25′. Clear tarps are perfect for construction sites, golf courses, parking lots, events, races or even at home when working on vehicles or other projects.
- Clear tarps offer something for everyone looking for an inexpensive way to have quick access to a tarp at anytime and anywhere the tarps can be used making them extremely popular with all types of consumers and providing many benefits and uses around the house and garden.
- Electronic tarps are tarps that allow users to block out light or view of an area by using thin sheets of transparent material. Electronic tarps come in a variety of sizes, shapes and materials with some tarps requiring more than one person to use them depending on the size of the tarp required for blocking purposes.
- Electric tarps replace heavy drapes and curtains allowing users to easily switch between darkening an area and protecting people from harsh weather conditions without having to worry about purchasing separate tarps for each job. More importantly, electronic tarps help lower electric bills because they can block light rather than turn lights on when not needed. Electric tarps are typically used near large windows where direct sunlight enters rooms but they can also be used for gardens, RV’s or even inside cars.
- Clear Vinyl Insect Traps are ideal for areas where the risk of exposure to chemicals is high or if natural predators are already effective in removing insects. Clear Vinyl Insect Traps significantly reduce exposure to toxins, tarps avoid damage and labor costs associated with touch up and repair of paint finishes caused by trapped dirt, tarps provide a more economical barrier than plastic tarps alone and tarps offer numerous applications beyond trapping insects such as moisture barriers on roofs or windblown debris containment.
Clear tarps are the best tarps for protecting vehicles during repair work, clear tarps allow users to see what is being worked on making it much easier when fixing vehicles or working around the home without having to remove tarps or move tarps out of the way. Clear tarps also help keep areas well lit during night time by allowing exterior lighting to remain on without letting light escape into the surrounding environment.