When you think of a cozy home or a home makeover you’re dying to complete, security features aren’t exactly at the top of the list.
‘Security’ can bring connotations of ugly bars, cold grey steel, and a less than homely atmosphere, but that doesn’t have to be the case when re-designing your home.
Whether you live alone or you’re raising a family, safety is always essential.
There are ways to integrate safety features into your home without breaking the style you’ve worked so hard to achieve or making it too obvious that you’ve invested in security measures.
Here are a few options you may not have considered.
Installing Security Windows
Luckily, security windows aren’t talking about unsightly bars on the windows.
When you think of features like this, it’s easy to expect that it’s only for keeping intruders out – which is, of course, a significant feature – but security windows can provide a whole host of other benefits, too, which include:
- Fall protection from high places
- A protection barrier from bad weather
- Defense against pesky insects
- Breeze allowance to save on expensive air conditioning bills in those hotter months
Not only that, but companies like Crimsafe design made-to-measure custom windows in any style and shape to fit perfectly with your home and needs, and you can always ask for professional advice.
Try a Video Doorbell Instead
A lot of doors these days are fitted with a spyhole which will allow you to see who’s come knocking before you decide to answer the door, or there’s always the option of straining your neck trying to look out of the window, of course.
Smart doorbells make the process a whole lot easier – and safer.
You can get systems which either bring up a video of the caller when they ring the doorbell or even ones which use a sensor to bring up a video of someone approaching the door before they’ve even rung the bell (which is perfect if anyone is lurking outside).
The doorbell sends an alert to your phone, no matter where you are at the time, enabling you to stay security conscious even when you’re not in the area.
The Next Generation Smoke Alarm
Threats in the home don’t always come from intruders; there are many dangers that can happen naturally, like a fire.
Traditional smoke alarms are effective, of course, but you can take a step up on the protection should you choose to.
‘Smart alarms,’ like all the best devices these days, connect to your phone and make use of digital advantages, by telling you exactly where a fire is taking place, for example. They can also alert your phone if there is a problem when you’re away from home.
The next step in security is being safety conscious, even when you’re not there.
Best of all, if you’ve overcooked something, you no longer have to grapple for a stool or a long pole to turn off the alarm – a simple tap on your phone will do it.