Want More Instagram Followers? Here’s How to Do It


Instagram Followers 1

Whether you’re using Instagram for business or pleasure, anyone wants to increase their followers. And it’s not just for show; it’s also a great business. Instagram has rapidly become one of the most well-known social media platforms, with more than 200 million monthly active users. It’s great for socializing, building a following, and sharing posts.

Are you stuck with just 100 followers but can’t figure out how you can expand your following? Don’t worry; I’ve got you. 

Basic Ideas to Build Following

Here are some basic ideas to begin with before you start to build your following.

Design A Theme for Your Page

You can’t expect to attract a massive audience if your page does not provide a clear path. We all follow those who upload pictures of their children and then make ads for their ridiculous business plans, selfies, and millions of photos of their dogs. Who is supposed to follow them? Pug fans? Anyone interested in the businesses. This is perhaps the most critical factor to determine. What is it you are trying to sell? Make sure you stick to it. You can set up an account separate for your friends and family.

Choose a Good Username and Profile Photo

I highly suggest using the same username on all social networks. This allows followers to find you. I use the username @motdraw1 (my name reversed) for Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook. Also, ensure that your photo reflects the overall subject matter of the account. If your account is focused on fitness, use a picture of yourself in the gym, for example.

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Complete your bio

Let others know your account’s purpose. For instance: “I’m a fashionista! Expect plenty of photos of fashion, style, and style.” Also, take advantage of the link to your website. Instagram will only give you the option of promoting one URL, but make sure you take benefit of this! Link to your website, store, and so on. It’s an excellent place to promote your latest content. I’m a writer and use my bio for advertising my latest piece. For instance, “Check out my latest article. Look up the bio link.”

OK, you’re having your profile set up. Your bio looks nice, and you’ve chosen an attractive theme. Now is the time to slash your profile. You’ll receive that check within a matter of minutes!

Like a bunch of Photo

One method to gain followers is to begin liking photos. Begin with images that are relevant to your posts. If you’re a travel writer, look up hashtags like #Paris #Travel, #London, etc., and begin to like photographs. Once you’ve started enjoying the photos of others, you will notice that many people will begin following you to follow you back. Another way to get followers is to find the most well-known tags and start taking them into your account. Many applications can show you which tags are most popular on your chosen day.

Instagram Followers

Comment on Pictures

It takes some time; however, it’s much more efficient. Make sure to comment on as many photos as possible. The fewer comments a picture is surrounded by, the more chance of getting noticed. You can make a comment that says something nice about the pic, “I am impressed with what you’re doing on this site!  

Start following people

Instagram does an excellent job at making it easy to connect with those you already have a relationship. Additionally, visit the “Explore” section and follow those suggested profiles. About 1/3 of those who follow you will also keep following back. The aim is to get more people following you than those you follow, so don’t get too crazy.

Here are some suggestions to post stunning photos

You’re right! You’re just beginning to establish your reputation! Now is the time to start posting photos. 


Make use of natural light whenever you can. We were shooting early in the morning and before sunset. Later in the night is recommended.


It’s simple, but make sure your subject stays in the center.


Use an uncluttered environment. If the location is too busy, it can distract the attention away from the main subject.


It’s straightforward to become obsessed with using filters. Many people put their photos through so many filters they cannot distinguish them when they’re done. Try using a couple of the identical filters on your images to give your site the same style.

Color Theme: 

It can be straightforward to implement; however, it looks stunning if your account has an identical color scheme.

Add Caption

Add captions It’s apparent, yet a lot of people do not take the full benefit. Without a funny caption, the image won’t function. Make sure you choose the appropriate words before you publish; it’s nearly equally important as the image. Make it brief as there’s no need to write a long paragraph. A question or two is an effective way to engage your audience and get people to share their thoughts.

Post regularly and at the Right Times

There’s a fine distinction between posting too frequently or not posting enough. If you don’t update, often you don’t need followers to follow you. If you’re posting too continually, it will clog people’s feeds, and they’ll stop following you. Though opinions differ, posting just 1-3 images is sufficient to keep your readers happy. Do not post just because you’ve been absent for the past day. Make sure you post at the appropriate time of the day. If you post at night, it will not reach as many people as you’d prefer. Make sure to post when people are the most likely to be on their Instagram during lunch, morning, and night after work.

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