It’s funny but once you become a parent you start to worry about a whole range of things that you’ve never even thought about before. For example, you’ve probably never been worried about the stairs before. Then, having kids suddenly makes you wary of them falling down them.
The same is true of tap water, leaving you wondering whether it is safe to drink.
The Government Says Yes
Tap water in Australia comes from the communal reservoirs. This water is filtered to remove large pieces of debris and even smaller ones. It is also treated with chlorine to kill any bugs and bacteria in the water. Finally, fluoride is added to help you have strong bones and teeth.
The water is regularly tested and leaves the treatment plant matching government standards. This, in theory, makes it safe to drink.
The Reality
Unfortunately, there are several things that can happen to the water between the treatment plant and your tap. These can affect the quality of the water.
- The Additional Chemicals
One of the biggest concerns regarding water quality is the chemicals that are added. Chlorine is known to cause issues for people with allergies and respiratory conditions. Fluoride has been linked to an increased risk of cancer although many organizations say the risk is low.
*However, it does increase the likelihood of white spots on children’s teeth.
- Miles Of Pipework
Water needs to travel through pipes to get from the treatment plant to your home. Because there are miles of pipes it is impossible to track and monitor every section. In other words, the slightest amount of damage can allow bacteria and other contaminants back into the water, ensuring it’s not the same quality as when it left the plant.
- Minerals
Treatment plants don’t generally remove the heavy metals and minerals in the water. Some of these are beneficial to health, others are not. In all cases, too much of them is seen as a bad thing.
The level of minerals in water depends on what the water has travelled through on its way to the reservoir.
The bottom line is simple, the water coming out of your tap may not be as clean and safe as it should be. The only way of knowing for sure is to test it before every use.
How To Make Sure The Water Is Safe For Children To Drink
The best approach is to add a filtration system to your home. Carbon filters are generally agreed to be good but using reverse osmosis membranes is the best option. This removes chemicals, minerals, and any additional bacteria.
The reverse osmosis filter is easy to install and needs very little maintenance. In return, it gives you peace of mind, ensuring the water your children drink is safe.
You can opt for a whole house system or just to filter water at a specific tap. The choice is yours but it is the most effective way to ensure your children have safe drinking water.