Innovative Home Driveway Upgrades


Home Driveway Upgrades

The driveway to your home has a significant impact on the curb appeal of your property. Whether you plan on selling the house or staying there for years to come, having a suitable driveway is critical.

From a functional standpoint, the driveway makes it easier for you to come and go as you please. From a practical perspective, the driveway can directly impact the drainage of the property. Fortunately, finding a driveway that is both functional and practical isn’t complicated. It doesn’t even have to be cost-prohibitive.

Innovative driveway upgrades for your home add value and curb appeal, so be sure to consider them on your next exterior remodel. If you are building your new home, these should all be considerations.

Install a permeable base

Install a permeable base
One of the most beneficial components that you can choose for your home driveway is installing permeable paving. This enables your driveway to have stability while still allowing water to flow through it. It can prevent you from having to deal with flooding on the driveway in normal rains. It is also beneficial for the ground around the paved area since there won’t be a massive amount of runoff like there is when you have an impermeable base.

Opt for a geogrid

A geogrid is a type of base underlayment that enables you to have an eco-friendly driveway. This type of grid beneath the base helps to protect the ground beneath the driveway. It distributes the weight of the vehicle evenly and prevents damage to roots that run deeper under the ground, which is crucial if you have mature trees around your home that you want to preserve.

Choose the surface material

Choose the surface material
One of the most significant benefits of a permeable driveway is that you can choose what surface material you want. The possibilities are vast, and they are all at least as durable as traditional slabs. Many of the options are stylish, too. You can choose from brick pavers, porous asphalt, specialized plastic, or permeable concrete. All of these are manufactured specifically to combat runoff and pooling on the surface. There are even options for individuals who need to have an accessible driveway because you don’t have to have the deep, wide gaps between them.

Add solar lighting

The nightscape of the property is essential for curb appeal, but it is also a safety consideration. The days of having hardwired lighting around the driveway are gone. Instead, you can choose to have solar lighting installed, but don’t try to skimp on these lights. You should select bright lights that have a good battery so that you can ensure they will remain illuminated all night. This also enables you to be sure that you can see the driveway when you come home after dark or have to leave before daylight. There are many different styles that you can review so you can determine what fits your style and complements the look of your home’s exterior.

Outline the edge of the driveway

Outline the edge of the driveway
You can outline the sides of your driveway in a variety of ways. Some homeowners prefer natural edging or no edging at all. If you opt for the natural edging, such as shrubs or grass, choosing options that are native to this area is beneficial because there won’t be as much upkeep. Plus, these options will usually fare well with the permeable driveway. Other options include using raised pavers or other artificial materials.

Matt Lee is the owner of the Innovative Construction and Building Materials blog and a content writer for the building materials industry. He is focused on helping fellow homeowners, contractors, and architects discover materials and methods of construction that save money, improve energy efficiency, and increase property value.

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