For creating durable and good-looking garage floors, garage floor epoxy can be used widely. Though applying epoxy to the garage floor may seem to need a technical hand but by following the right guide, you can easily do it yourself. There are many tools available in the market to help you do the job easily. Careful preparation and an organized approach are keys to achieve flawless epoxy garage floors. This article walks you through the process step by- step.
Apply Epoxy to Garage in These Three Simple Steps
Work a little bit hard and you can well be on your way to achieving a beautiful garage floor. Here are three simple steps that you should follow:
Prepare Garage Floor:
Preparation is always a basic step for a successful project. Firstly, inspect the garage floor. If it has a smooth surface that isn’t conducive to epoxy application, sand it off. Any paint or a sealant on the garage floor needs to be grounded or sanded to remove the coating. You can also check for moisture as it affects the final finish of the epoxy coating. Secondly, clean the garage floor. Make sure you clean all the oil residues from the floor. Patches of oil will decrease the adherence of the epoxy to the floor. Hence, you must clean them properly.
Fix and Profile Garage Floor:
It is one of the basic steps to get the job done perfectly. Fix all the gauges and dents on the floor. However, you must avoid using latex products for your repairs. Latex shrinks and leaves behind the signs of patchwork. Once the fixing is done, you must either start with grinding or acid etching the floor. It allows in revealing the pores in the concrete and provides a surface that is easy for the epoxy to stick to.
Apply Epoxy to Your Garage Floor:
Although there are different grades of epoxy in the market that you can choose from, prefer the commercial-grade product. It is very dense. Pour it all and roll it out to the entire surface using paint rollers. However, make sure you do the job in pleasant weather and not in the one with high heat and humidity. Also, epoxy must be properly prepared before starting the task. The first coating to the garage must be of an epoxy primer. You must pour the epoxy roughly 40 minutes after you apply primer.
Apply epoxy in a ribbon-like fashion. Cover the roller evenly with the epoxy to achieve a smooth even surface. You can also chip brushes for the corners of the floor. Roll the epoxy coat in one direction. Wait 10-24 hours to apply a second coat. Apply the topcoat after the second coat hardens properly. Wait for 72 hours to cure the final coat and before placing anything on the garage floor.
Epoxy creates a tougher surface than applying any paint to the garage floor. However, it is a bit trickier to apply and needs a proper approach. The application of epoxy may sometimes vary depending upon the product you are using. Be sure to read the instructions on the product package you choose.