8 Ways To Prevent Your Bathroom From Smelling Like Poop All The Time



Let’s be honest- everyone poops, which means it is not YOU only who drops deadly stink bombs into the drain. Everyone does it.

Even when confronted with this undeniable fact, most homeowners feel shame when they drop a particularly foul-smelling ass-dump in their toilets. Because of this awkwardness, the phrase “how to get rid of nasty poop odors in the bathroom fast” is often Googled. Of course, our poop can’t smell like lavender. The bacteria in our poop often make it smell bad, and the fumes tend to disperse in the air quickly.

So apart from just turning on the exhaust fan, how can one prevent their bathrooms from smelling like shit all the time? Don’t stress; we have your stinky situation covered. In this article, we’ll be uncovering some clean-shit strategies that will help you get rid of that poo smell for good and have your bathroom smelling good.

1. Use air fresheners

Bathroom air fresheners come in various types and scents. Some are more impactful than others and ideal for eliminating poop-ish odors. Citrus-based aromas like lemon are often good choices because they are quite overpowering. Also, brands like POTTYMINTS bathroom air fresheners are suitable because they sell a series of unique scents that are guaranteed to eliminate dirty odors.

However, remember that some people are perfume sensitive, and floral scents can cause migraines. If you live with others, you should discuss everyone’s air freshener preferences and get a scent that works wonders for your poop.

2. Courtesy flush – have you tried it?

If you’re not familiar with the tactic of a courtesy flush, you’ve probably been leaving the bathroom in far worse condition than others. This rather kind gesture involves flushing the toilet while still sitting on it to remove the infringing odor. The science is quite simple: the longer your shit bomb sits in the toilet bowl, the more it destroys the bathroom — for you and others.

So, the next time you’re lounging on your porcelain throne, throw in a courtesy flush or two for a serious head start on getting rid of your stink from the bathroom.

3. DIY toilet bombs

These weapons of mass scent-sation are ideal for countering stink bombs in the toilet. Simply combine essential oils with water, baking soda, citric acid, and voila; you have your DIY toilet bomb. The baking soda absorbs and eliminates odors, and citric acid is an excellent antimicrobial. The essential oils, of course, add a pleasant aroma to the restroom.

4. Place some potted plants

Plants are commonly used as décor, but they also serve an essential purpose. They purify the air by removing some pollutants such as poop fumes, making the air unfit to breathe. Placing a potted plant in your bathroom will effectively eliminate the poo odor, freshen the air, and enhance air circulation.

5. Don’t forget to use a diffuser

This might be another scent-related tactic, but it’ll only add up towards increasing your bathroom’s ambiance and reducing that odor.

A diffuser is a tiny blessing that uses compressed air or heat to release breathtaking scenes into the air. It’s usually filled with an essential oil concoction. Because of its small size, a diffuser is suitable for creating small, poop-smelling places that smell good. You can place the diffuser either behind your toilet or on a stand in your bathroom. It’ll act as an excellent device for creating heaven during and after your poop. However, be cautious when using diffusers, especially pets, because some essential oils are poisonous to cats and dogs.

6. Thoroughly clean your bathroom

You may not realize it, but mold in your bath grout can contribute to the smell. On the floor, grout can absorb splashed urine and other fluids, contributing to the odor over time. So deep clean your bathroom and repair any grout cracks and moldy spots to make it look new again.

7. ventilation is essential for your poop

Another important way to get rid of that nasty smell in a bathroom is to ensure adequate ventilation. When taking a bath or shower, keep the window open. This will help oxygenate the air while also removing odors and bacteria caused by the poop.

Opening the ventilation increases the circulation flow, bringing in fresh air. Fresh air is essential for making your living space more breathable. It makes a significant difference when attempting to eliminate that lingering poopy odor.

8. Drain your sink trap

What you think is a stinky poo smell can also be your drain getting junked up and decaying. So remember to remove the sink drain trap twice a year. You don’t need to hire a plumber to do it. Simply unscrew it, remove the accumulated junk, rinse it, and consider replacing it. It will assist in keeping the poopy odors at bay.

Conclusion: Have a nice poop!

So that concludes our list of ways to prevent your bathroom from smelling like shit all the time. Hopefully, through these strategies, you will be able to get rid of those vomit-inducing odors. Remember that pooping – or whatever euphemism you wish to call it – is entirely natural. It is nothing to be ashamed of. If your concerns take height, settle down – try some of these strategies and do your business in peace without raising any smelly flags.

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