8 topical ideas to write a cool Instagram post


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You know what types of posts exist. Didn’t have time to get inspired by our examples?

Catch 4 win-win post ideas for any blog:

Food and Cooking.

It doesn’t matter if you cook well, follow your diet, or eat exclusively fast food. The “what do I eat” heading on every blog has a response.

Nutrition is everyone’s problem and the only thing that never gets bored. Tell us what you eat, how you do it, what delicious recipes you can borrow and whether you limit yourself to food.

Impression of a book or movie.

The question “what to read and what to see?” – the most frequent on the Internet. What could be better than finding out firsthand whether a book or a film is worth our time?

With such posts, you not only show your education, but also show concern for your Insta followers.

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News from life.

How curious about where you spent your vacation, how you got your promotion, or why you got a new pet!

News from life can be scooped up endlessly. The more you tell your sincere and personal followers, the more you will involve them in your life, and they will trust you even more.

Goals or plans.

The main thing here is not an ideal path and not successful success, but your path with falls and difficulties. Sincerity captivates, makes the audience worry with you, and complexities reveal you as a person.

Your aspiration to start a blog can be a good topic for posts and stories.

Tell us how you burn with your blog, and then – how afraid you are to shoot a story or can’t write posts – you will receive support from your audience.

Subscribers will understand how difficult it is for you to shoot, write, but you do it and grow.

This is what motivates the reader. It is always interesting what a person has plans, worldview, values, how he goes to a dream and fulfills it. There are always a lot of ideas for a personal blog, you can change your interests and bring up new topics every time.

What to do with an expert blog? It is tied to one narrow topic that all posts are about, so it will take more effort to find topics.

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Here are 4 ideas for expert blogs from beauty professionals:

Tips for home care for nails, hair, skin. 

Favorite cosmetics. 

Secrets of seasonal care. 

What to do after the procedures?

How to write a post and get many Instagram views if there are no ideas? Reading and reading is important for successful blogging. Of course, you cannot steal other people’s posts, but you can spy on the idea and get inspired.

Subscribe to people who have a blog focus similar to yours, and analyze, get inspired and do not forget to write down ideas in your notes.

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