Tips for Eliminating Allergy Triggers in Your Home


Eliminating Allergy Triggers

If you are prone to allergies, chances are your home feels like a sick house with constant sneezing, itchiness, and stuffy nose. Many people have to avoid allergen triggers by not eating certain foods. However, it is possible to root out the irritants that are making your house miserable. Eliminating allergy triggers in your home is not rocket science. Simple solutions like keeping your house clean and dust-free are quite useful. Here are some ways of removing those invisible irritants:

Keep your house clean

The most common allergy triggers are rodents, cockroaches, and dust mites – with dust being a particularly potent trigger for asthma sufferers. Our homes attract these pests due to the warm indoor temperatures. If they are left to their own devices, they can cause asthma and make your life miserable. Besides, rodents and cockroaches can smell your food from a mile away.
Keep your house clean
Therefore, maintaining a clean house reduces the chances of the pests showing up for a snack. Dust mites are a bit tricky to get rid of since most of the surfaces in the house usually gather dust quickly. However, regular cleaning will help to keep the pests away. Here are some cleaning tips to keep these allergen triggers at bay:

  • You should clean up spills and remove crumbs on kitchen surfaces. A spotless kitchen makes it impossible for cockroaches and rodents to thrive.
  • You should vacuum the house regularly using a vacuum cleaner with an allergen filter.
  • Remove clutter like boxes, which provide hiding spots for cockroaches. Besides, clutter also attracts dust mites.
  • When storing food, do not keep it in open containers, the smell of food attracts cockroaches and rodents. Therefore, you should seal food in containers or storage jars.
  • Dust your house using a wet piece of cloth to avoid spreading dust mites to other surfaces.
  • Do not shampoo your carpets; the moisture creates a conducive environment for dust mites to thrive.
  • Ensure your trashcans are sealed or remain outside the house.

Change your filters regularly

The filters in an air purifier are perfect for eliminating allergy triggers in your home. However, many people take too long to change the filters, which increase the allergens in the air. Follow the manufacturers’ guide on the frequency of replacing the filters in the AC system.

Use blinds instead of drapes

Drapes are beautiful when hanging over the windows. However, the rate at which they trap dust and allergens is alarming. If you keep your windows open, numerous irritants will be floating in the air, causing asthma. Therefore, you should ditch the drapes and opt for blinds. They trap fewer allergens and are easy to maintain. If you must have curtains in your home, ensure you clean or vacuum them regularly to get rid of dust.

Control moisture and humidity

Pests thrive in moist places. Also, mould and mildew grow on damp surfaces. These are allergy triggers than can jeopardise your health. Therefore, you should keep your bathrooms, kitchens, and basement clean and dry. Ensure the surface does not have stagnant water. You should also replace broken tiles to minimise the growth of moulds and fix faulty faucets and sinks that could cause leakage. Remember to inspect overlooked corners like under the sinks or inside the cabinets. If the pipes are dripping, ensure they are fixed to avoid the growth of mould. Seal any holes in the cupboards and inspect the interior for signs of cockroaches. Keeping every surface in your house dry and tidy will prevent allergens from building up.

Get dust-proof covers for your bedding

Get dust-proof covers for your bedding
The worst place for irritants to build-up is in the bedroom. It makes sleeping uncomfortable and can lead to health problems. To prevent dust mites from ruining your nights’ sleep, you should invest in dust mite zip-on covers for your mattress and pillows. You should also keep pets away from the bedroom to avoid pet dander.

People who suffer from allergies, especially those with asthma, need to ensure the internal air they are breathing is fresh and clean. It is always advisable to use your preventer inhaler regularly and keep your reliever inhaler on hand. But if you maintain a tidy house, you will not experience nearly as many allergic reactions or symptoms of asthma.

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