Bedbugs are very small and generally hard to see as they hide during the day and come out at night to feast on your blood. In reality, they take a tiny amount of blood but that doesn’t make the experience any nicer.
Bed bugs don’t generally carry diseases but their bites do leave nasty red welts which can be very itchy. They also cause skin rashes and dry skin. This can lead to further issues in people with sensitive skin. If you think you have bed bugs at home it’s a good idea to chat to your local pest control to get the issue sorted properly.
What Causes Bed Bugs?
Bed bugs are experts at hiding. That means they can easily get into the pockets of your clothes or into a suitcase. In fact, travel is recognized as one of the main causes of bed bug problems. You can arrive at a different hotel and be unaware they are there until it is too late.
At that point, they have hitched a free ride to your house and will quickly disappear into the crevices of your bed and soft furnishings.
How You Know You Have Bed Bugs
If you wake up in the morning and find you have red marks on your body then you may have bed bugs. To confirm you’ll want to take a closer look at your bed. Pull the top sheets back and carefully inspect the bottom sheet. You are likely to find small brown stains where the bed bugs have been during the night.
It’s also possible to find dead bugs as you have rolled onto them during the night. If you shine a torch into the crevices of your bed and soft furnishing you may even see these tiny creatures.
Dealing With Bed Bugs
Unfortunately, bed bugs are not generally very easy to kill. In fact, they can survive a cycle in your washing machine but they won’t survive 20 minutes in the dryer at high heat.
The most effective way to eliminate them from your home is to reach out to bed bug control services. However, if this isn’t an option you’ll want to do the following:
Clear The Room
The first step is to take all the soft furnishings in your room and wash them. However, you’ll need to bag all of these soft furnishings up before you leave your room. You can then carry them to the washing machine and deposit them straight inside. This prevents the bed bugs from moving around your house.
Wash on the hottest wash possible and then dry them in the machine on high for at least twenty minutes.
You will now need to slowly and methodically vacuum your room to suck up all the bed bugs. It is best to do this with a vacuum that has a bag inside it. You can then remove the bag, seal it, and put it straight into the bin. This ensures the bugs are gone.
You should note it is hard to get all the bed bugs in one go, you’ll need to monitor carefully and possibly repeat the process.