The Impact of Insomnia On Our Emotional Health


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We have all lived moments when it is difficult to get a full and restful sleep, we have all experienced at some point in our lives problems to fall asleep. Probably we have not even paid attention to it, nevertheless, it can suppose serious problems if not considered on time. The experience we have lived is called insomnia, which can be chronic, long term or short term. There are many ways to try to treat it, however, treatments like medicine are not always effective.

Insomnia can have an impact on our emotional health. It is highly recommended to take care of your emotional health. Nowadays there are a wide variety of possibilities to relax our body and through it our mind as well. It is believed that spa treatments, natural and organic oil products, relaxing chocolate, massages, and so on.

There are 3 main types of insomnia:

  1. acute – lasts up to one month
  2. transient – lasts for less than a week
  3. chronic – lasts more than one month

 Does insomnia cause mental health disorders?

It is believed that insomnia affects our emotional health negatively, nevertheless, it is not always true. Insomnia can be a side effect of an emotional health problem. In other words, mental health disorders are not always caused by insomnia but INSOMNIA itself can be caused by mental health alterations. To be more specific we can observe the relation between anxiety and mental health. 

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Anxiety is not always a negative feeling unless its levels are non-proportional to a normal lifestyle. Anxiety can cause sleeping problems and insomnia can cause anxiety.

It seems as if we are in a circle without an exit and a definitive solution to this question. However, nowadays, it’s easy to overcome anxiety and stress with the help of natural and organic CBD oil products. There is no clear research or evidence on how insomnia can cause mental illnesses. Specialists talk about the negative energy, and our ability to process negative emotions. These emotions cause depression, anxiety, stress.

It is really unclear how insomnia affects our mental health. Nonetheless, unless it is targeted directly there is little possibility to cure insomnia.

Research held in Australia with 1,149 participants does suggest that treatment of insomnia reduces depression symptoms. Depression itself is a serious cause of mental and health problems.

Participants of the Australian study who completed a cognitive behavior therapy-based insomnia intervention showed a lower incidence of unipolar depression symptoms than those who were given health information with no insomnia treatment content.


Sleep and memory are closely related. Enough sleep and complete rest help our mind to process new information. When you get up after a good rest, your mind is capable of

digesting complicated information. When you go to sleep the information processed before goes and finds its place in the memory and is stored in your brain. One problem that insomnia can cause to your brain is the inability to concentrate. Other risks of a sleepless brain are hallucinations, mania, impulsive behavior, paranoia, and even suicidal thoughts.


During sleep, the number of cells produced by our immune system changes a lot. This fact comes to sustain the idea of why people who don’t get quality sleep or enough sleep are more likely to get sick after being exposed to a virus, such as a common cold virus. Insomnia affects the production cells in the bloodstream that fight inflammation caused by viruses. Lack of sleep can also affect how fast you recover if you do get sick.

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Can insomnia be caused by a lifestyle? Yes, it can. Exercise, diet, personal sleep habits can in the long term end up in insomnia. It is essential that having insomnia and considering it as something normal can affect your life expectancy. It is believed that people with chronic insomnia can have from 2 to 10 years of life expectancy. So your lifestyle can cause insomnia but do not let insomnia become your lifestyle. 

Here are some common causes of insomnia:

  • stress
  • anxiety
  • depression
  • neurological problems
  • physical illnesses
  • pain
  • some medications

There are more probable causes of sleep disorders such as environmental changes, excessive light or noise. Nevertheless, it is highly believed that these kinds of causations cannot be a root of chronic insomnia, but of a transient, and, in the worst case, of acute insomnia. 

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