Safety is vital for each person whether in a company or at home. Workplace safety plays a paramount role in the reputation of an organization since it is the moral responsibility of a company to look after its employees. Nowadays, workplace health and safety procedures are essential for both the employers and the employees as loss of human life can have significant consequences for both the company and the families of its employees.
Industries do have certain safety measures in place in case of an emergency, but the management should always take steps to ensure safety for all time like hiring security guards from Manchester. The administration of a company should address it with the workers related to their daily work and their level of comfort. Hence the management can follow those steps and improve the productivity and efficiency of their workers.
Home Improvement Security:
Maintaining a home can be a tough task if you do not know your way around simple tasks such as fixing the dishwasher. Paying for a technician every time something goes wrong can add up to your costs tremendously but if you do know how to fix some of the stuff that does not mean you have the license to be reckless. Accidents can happen even in ordinary circumstances, and one must use effective safety techniques when working at home.
Putting your health at risk is not worth it when you are working at your home so here below are several techniques that have been tested and proven to be effective.
Only do electrical work if you have access to complete information:
Make sure to shut the power supply before you start working on a circuit. Use a circuit tester before you start working on it to check if it is active. Always practice caution when dealing with electrical tools. If in doubt, better consult with an electrician who would sort it out without putting you in danger. When working with corded power tools, make sure they are plugged by a GFCI which will shut off the circuit immediately in case of a short circuit.
Only work on those tasks where you feel safe:
Being calm helps a lot when you are dealing with a job that involves risk. You need to be in a comfortable environment when working on any stuff. If you are afraid of working on the roof because it is too steep, it is best to leave it to a professional and instead work on tasks that are nearer to the ground.
Dress Safely:
While working, make sure you are not wearing your trousers and flip-flops. Although they are comfortable to wear they will not protect you if any mishap occurs. Always wear boots and gloves while working at height with sharp tools, remember to wear a helmet when working in a basement to protect your head from falling objects.
Read the owner’s manual:
When using power tools, follow all the precautions stated in the manual. Unplug the tools before servicing or adjusting them and when you complete the task. Make sure that the tool works properly and is equipped with the proper safety guards.
Always have a first aid kit on hand:
Maintain a first aid kit, in case you suffer wounds. It would help prevent infection so that you can get an appointment at the doctor.
E-Commerce Safety:
Identity thefts and frauds are global issues faced by the business world. According to estimates, since 2005, more than 500 million records have been breached which contained sensitive data. While organizing a business online, you need to obey certain rules to protect your organization and customers from theft.
In 2006, 90 million credit cards and debit card numbers were stolen from TJX Companies by hackers which cost the banks and insurance companies around $200 million in damages. One of the reasons was that TJX did not follow the PCI standards entirely thus leading the hackers to breach their security. PCI DSS has a comprehensive plan which helps organizations to ensure the safety of cardholders. This plan involves technical requirements set by the PCI Security Standards Council which are to be observed by organizations.
SAS 70
The American Institute of Certain Public Accounts (AICPA) developed SAS 70 as a resource for independent CPAs. It requires data centers and service companies to exhibit immense controls and protection against security threats. An independent auditor verifies the controls and, after verification, the organization makes customers know that the security defenses are fully operational at the place where customer data is held.
Safe Harbor
Safe Harbor provides a framework that ensures that American organizations comply with the U.S. Department of Commerce and European Commission regulations. Companies must comply with Safe Harbor if they want to do business in Europe.
All the standards mentioned above require followers to re-apply every 12 months for the continuation of their membership. Although they can be expensive but complying with these security regulations has its merit. All such organizations that follow these rules ensure that they provide a high level of security for their customers.