Your home’s air quality can be as crucial to your and your family’s health as clean drinking water. The Environmental Protection Agency has stated that indoor air pollution is a serious public health concern. Still, many people are not aware of identifying it or what they should do about it. This blog post will cover some ways that you can improve your home’s indoor air quality so that everyone stays safe and healthy!
1. Vacuum Your Home Regularly
Vacuuming your home regularly can help with removing dust and other contaminants from your floors. If you have pets, this is especially important to do a few times per week. It would help if you also vacuumed along baseboards, furniture, and windowsills close to the floor level.
2. Clean Your HVAC Systems
Cleaning an HVAC system will keep it running efficiently for more extended periods, as well as reversing any potential damage done by insects or rodents creating their nests inside of them. When cleaning these units, always make sure they’re cool before touching, so you don’t burn yourself! As most air duct cleaners in Dallas often insist, the cleaning should be done every year and that the filters in your furnace need to be changed twice a month. By doing so, you’ll be able to improve indoor air quality in your home.
3. Open up the Windows at Least Twice a Day
When it’s warm outside, open up all of the windows for at least two hours each time so that fresh air can come inside and replace what has been lost by way of breathing, cooking, heating, or cooling your house. Always close them before sunset because there will be more bugs coming in as night approaches. You should also make sure they’re closed when rain is forecasted to occur since this could cause mold growth on damp surfaces if left unchecked!
4. Install an Exhaust Fan Near Cooking Areas
If you often cook indoors, then install an exhaust fan that vents directly out through the roof. This will help remove any of the vapors created with frying, broiling, or boiling foods, as well as cooking odors from food preparation and other kitchen activities.
5. Install a Carbon Dioxide Detector Near Gas Appliances
If you use natural gas in your home, install an alarm that detects CO² concentrations above 1000 ppm. These detectors can be purchased at hardware stores for $50-$250 depending on the desired type (i.e., plug-in/battery operated). Keep in mind, though, they only function when there is power to them, so make sure you have some battery backup system if necessary!
6. Don’t Store Anything Close to Floor Level Vents
When heating and cooling systems release air from the ducts in a home, they create the potential to push particles of dust and debris into other areas of your house. In order not to have this happen, make sure that you don’t store anything close enough to these vents so as not for them to get pulled down by their air currents!
7. Install an Air Purifier
Air purifiers are a great way to improve indoor air quality in your home or office. They typically remove 99% of particles larger than 0.03 microns from the air. They can be used all year round for general maintenance, seasonal use, or as a backup when dealing with allergies during the pollen season.
8. Invest in Quality Insulation for your Attic and Basement
Your home’s insulation is a significant factor in how comfortable it is inside. There are many different types of insulation available, but make sure to choose one that’s rated the highest, as these provide more warmth or coolness than lower-rated ones. The higher your home’s R-value (a measure of thermal resistance), the better it will be at keeping the heat in during winter and out during summer months.
The most essential thing for you to do when considering insulation installation is to get free quotes from several different companies, so you can compare the costs and services offered by each company before making a choice. You want to find an installer who offers high levels of service – not just someone who might give you a bargain price without all the extras included.
Did you know that home’s air quality is more than twice as polluted as outdoor air and can cause many health problems? It’s essential to take action now before your home becomes a toxic space for everyone living in it. The tips we shared today should help you start making changes so that everyone stays safe and healthy at home by improving the air quality indoors.