Home Issues That Might Cause You Respiratory Problems


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Respiratory issues are a very common problem among individuals. You may know many people that develop asthma and difficulty breathing but there are no apparent reasons for these. People often think about the air they breathe outdoors and the outside pollution that affects their lungs, but they neglect the issues that occur in their home that can result in respiratory issues in the long term. 

Most people spend a great amount of time in their homes, particularly in recent months where the world has faced a health pandemic and lockdowns. Ensuring the indoor air is of good quality is fundamental to prevent further health problems. There are a few issues that most people face in their homes, although some are not always tackled as they should. These home issues can contribute to poor air quality and breathing problems, therefore you should be aware of what these are. This article will discuss a few home issues that might cause you respiratory problems so that you know what to look out for in your home and ensure you treat the issue. 

Neglected HVAC 

Many households have heating, ventilation, and air conditioning units to regulate the temperature of the home as well as to clean the air indoors. However, you would be surprised at how many people do not know how to maintain this system appropriately. These units have designated filters and parts that must be clean so that they continue to be effective. When not cleaned properly, the air they produce may be full of toxins that you do not see but will certainly contribute to the development of respiratory issues for you and your family. If you have an HVAC unit at home, make it a priority to check that the maintenance is up to standard.  

Damp Issues

Damp issues in properties are a common issue, particularly if the building is old and you live in an area where the weather is cold and wet. Damp results in condensation, which creates the perfect condition for mold to grow. Although the condition of the building and the weather are usually the main factors, things you can do such as cooking and drying your clothes indoors also contribute to this issue. Dampness may lead to an irritated nose and throat if you live around it for too long. If you or anyone has a lung condition, this can worsen. If you find mold in your home, you must not ignore it – do not attempt to take care of it yourself and obtain a damp treatment specialist as this will ensure that the root of the problem is treated rather than just the surface. 

Poor Temperature Regulation

The very high or low temperature in your home can increase the propensity for the development of respiratory issues. You should maintain the temperature in your home at a comfortable level – the recommendation is 18°C (64°F). High temperatures may increase humidity levels and dampness whilst breathe in cold air will affect your lungs. 

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Overcrowding is an issue associated with the development of health problems, including respiratory. Living in a house with at least five other individuals can have some negative effects on your health in the long term. In these cases, individuals are forced to breathe in the same air. It is not recommended that individuals live in such agglomerated spaces, but if you do, take the appropriate cautions to reduce the negative effects. You can, for example, open the windows during the day to ensure an increase in airflow. 

Poor Insulation

Every home needs to be properly insulated so that residents feel comfortable no matter the temperature outside. If your property does not have adequate insulation this will make your home feel hot in the Summer and very cold in the winter, considering that there is no barrier to keep the outdoor temperature from coming in. Evidently, this can result in a series of issues for your health. Although ideally this issue should be fixed by a professional, there are things you can do to improve this in your home. Using thick curtains and other textiles to decorate your home will help to maintain the temperature warmer when it is cold outside. During Summer days, closing the blinds so the sun does not penetrate the windows during hotter hours is a good idea. 

Breathing problems can be very difficult to manage and make certain daily tasks difficult to accomplish. Although there are many reasons for individuals to develop respiratory problems, home issues can contribute to this. Make sure to look out for the issues discussed above, particularly if you note that you have been suffering from issues with your lungs as they could be the cause of the deterioration of your health. 

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