When you are looking over your project list for seasonal cleaning, it is likely that making space in your garage is high on it. Many homeowners do not even store their vehicles in their garage because of the clutter which can accumulate in the space and it can seem daunting to get started. However, with these three steps, you can be well on your way to the garage of your dreams.
Clear It Out
The first step is to clear out everything from the space that is not bolted in place, even the things inside of your garage cabinet system. This gives you an accurate picture of what your space looks like so you can make any needed repairs and take any necessary measurements. It is a good idea to sort your items as you take them out of your garage. Three useful categories for you to use include “get rid of”, “store elsewhere” and “store here”. You can donate gently used items, throw away broken things and maybe even find that missing wrench.
Take Accurate Measurements
After your garage is cleared of the clutter, you can give it a thorough cleaning and take some key measurements. Measure things like where windows and outlets are located, the space between your garage door tracks and the ceilings and even where your vehicles will need to clear to get into the space. You can then take the measurements and make a detailed plan for your storage. Some cabinet manufacturers and vendors will have online tools to help you make the most of these measurements as well as give you an idea of what to expect with costs.
Group Like Items
Do not forget to take measurements of the things that you will need to store back into the place by grouping like items. You can even use your driveway or yard to simulate a floor plan in your garage, laying out your piles how you want them to be stored. This can give you a better idea of how deep your cabinets need to be and how many hooks for large items you need to incorporate.
Chances are that once you get started pulling things out and sorting them, you will find that making your garage more organized and functional is not as difficult as you initially think. You can invite friends or family over to help, rediscover lost treasures and have the garage space that you have always wanted by following these three steps.