Cellulite is a harmless skin condition resulting from the buildup of fat deposits under the skin. Symptoms of individuals affected by cellulite include lumpy, dimpled skin on the belly, thighs, and buttocks. While some people may be bothered by cellulite appearance, it’s important to note that the condition is completely harmless with little to no impact on your overall health. However, for those bothered by cellulite on their bodies, there are ways to reduce its appearance and make it less noticeable.
Who’s At Risk for Cellulite Development?
While researchers know little about the causes of cellulite, risk factors appear to be higher for some individuals. Approximately 80-90% of women will develop cellulite at some point in their lifetime. In contrast, only 10-20% of men deal with this issue. Differences in skin texture, body type, and hormone levels significantly affect these rates. Still, other factors may also be at play, leaving many people shopping for anti-cellulite cream to improve their skin’s appearance.
Weight and body size appear to have little effect on the appearance of cellulite since it impacts people of all sizes. However, weight loss substantially increases its appearance due to changes in the underlying connective tissue and skin elasticity loss. A diet high in salt, sugar, and highly processed foods causes body-wide inflammation and negatively affects skin appearance.
How Do I Get Rid of Cellulite?
Most medical experts agree that the complete elimination is impossible after an individual develops cellulite. The condition’s appearance depends on factors outside a person’s control, like genetics, hormone makeup, and gender. While complete elimination is impossible, reducing cellulite appearance is accomplished in many ways with varying degrees of success.
The body’s adequate hydration and skin health play a critical role in cellulite appearance. Water helps flush toxins from the body along with helping to maintain skin elasticity. Studies have shown that people who routinely drink sufficient water are less likely to be subjected to wrinkles, scars, and other blemishes by increasing blood flow to the skin and increasing skin tone and appearance.
Improving Cellulite Appearance With Anti-Cellulite Cream
Several topical creams contain ingredients that reduce the appearance of cellulite when applied directly to the affected area. These substances contain specific ingredients to minimize visibility. Although every component will not be effective for everyone’s specific body chemistry, many people have experienced successful outcomes with certain products.
As a stimulant found in many common foods, some anti-cellulite cream manufacturers use caffeine to reduce the appearance. Caffeine dilates blood vessels, leading to a temporary increase in blood flow to problem-prone areas. The increased blood flow makes the area appear smoother while reducing edema and puffiness caused by water retention.
Topical retinol, a fat-soluble, over-the-counter formulation of vitamin A, has shown to cause improvement in skin elasticity and a significant improvement in smoothness when applied to areas affected by cellulite over a six-month study. While research is ongoing, the study’s preliminary results are promising and point toward continued improvement in skin appearance.
Botanical extracts like pineapple, ginkgo, and quinoa have also shown promise as a potential treatment for cellulite. Botanical extracts reduced the number of lesions and lesion appearance with use over a six-month time frame.
While current evidence does not point to an exact cause for cellulite appearance, assistance is available for the millions of people currently dealing with this condition.