On the 25th of March, state governments imposed restrictions following numerous cases of the novel Coronavirus. However, as cases reduce, more states are considering easing those restrictions. As this happens, the president of the Strata Community Association (SCA) has warned that their member corporations should be cautious before they open any recreational facility to the public.
Some areas that were affected by the restrictions put in place by the government include hot tubs, gyms, swimming pools, social sites as well as other amenities.
According to the president, the strata schemes’ restrictions were meant to ensure that residents and other users were safe. This would also reduce the liability of the owner’s corporations.
Easing Restrictions Does Not Mean Letting Your Guard Down
Following the easing of restrictions, a section of the public misconstrued this to mean it’s time to relax and be careless. The virus is still around, and no vaccine is working yet. This means we do not have the all-clear to start using public facilities as we previously did.
This equally means it is not yet time for strata corporations to resume normal operations such as opening pools as well as gyms.
As time goes by and cases reduce state corporations will start opening up some social or recreational amenities. This can only be done under strict observance of the laid down health protocols by the health departments.
Two Million Australians Live in Strata
An estimated two million people in Australia live in Strata. This means that a massive number of people will require using car-parks, garages, and lifts. Some will have to walk through lobbies as well as shared property. The enforcement and adherence of social distancing guidelines are still in place.
The SCA president urges the public to ensure that they protect themselves and their loved ones from the virus by maintaining social distancing, limiting the number of people in lifts, and ensure proper hygiene.
Mr. Chambers urges people to continue practising social distancing and good hygiene and limit the number of people in lifts.The president adds that owners of strata must ensure that their properties are safe environments for those who visit and their neighbours.
Properties Must Still Be Maintained
Even as the pandemic continues, properties still require maintenance. This means contractors, as well as their employees, need to be accorded a safe working environment as they carry out the maintenance.
Some essential services that have seen a surge include disinfectant cleaning, sanitizing and plumbing.
While some owners had opted to cancel maintenance works, SCA advised against this saying that such a move could potentially negatively impact budgets as well as the future workflow of strata ecosystems.
Regarding renovations, SCA has an entirely different opinion far from the one held concerning maintenance. They advised against carrying out of improvements due to possible noise pollution more so now that most of the people are at home.
Tips By SCA For Strata Residents
Residents should avoid using shared areas as these pose the most significant risk from not only COVID-19 but other pathogens as well.
If you use a shared laundry, you should wash your hands before and after using the facility.
For parcel deliveries, please make arrangements to have them delivered at your doorstep and use gloves as you get rid of the packaging.
In case of questions regarding re-opening of strata, facilities inquire from the community manager for more information.