Architectural Lighting



Architectural lighting design is a technique related to the design of lighting systems in a structure. Such a procedure is used to increase the luminosity of the whole building and enhance its elegance. These designs are integrated within the environment, including both the interior and exterior of the construction.

The lighting design is mainly focused on using multiple light sources to illuminate a single space. The light sources may include the use of both daylights, i.e., sunlight and electrical lights.


Architectural lighting design finds its origin in ancient Egyptian structures. The pyramids of Giza include many tunnels dug deep down the ground. These tunnels are illuminated by manipulating sunlight using mirrors during the daytime. Torches and lamps were used to provide light during the night.

Importance of Architectural Lighting:


Architectural lighting plays an important role in the way people experience and look at architecture. A well-built structure with poor lamination will probably attract less attraction than an average structure with proper lighting. The source of lighting doesn’t affect the overall elegance of the building.

There is a need to create the perfect balance between architectural structure and illumination. To achieve such perfection, it is very important to remember three key characteristics of ALD:

  • Aesthetic
  • Function

These characteristics determine whether the architecture is properly illuminated or not.


The aesthetic of lighting design focuses on the emotional impact that the design will have on the users. it is a crucial factor that requires the designer’s complete attention because this step will determine the success or failure of the design.

The main concern of aesthetics is related to the color of the lighting to be used. A bright color will boost a positive mood, while dull lighting will result in a negative attitude.


The main purpose of architectural lighting is to improve the beauty of the building further. The main function of any ALD is to ensure that light’s right intensity and color are used at the right place. A perfectly illuminated area creates a sense of safety and pleasure in the mind of the occupants.

For example, colorful lighting will help in attracting a potential customer to your store from a distance. Therefore, there is a need to use medium intensity colorful lights on the exterior. On the other hand, bright,simple lights in the interior will boost their mood. it encourages the customer to consider your merchandise to be reliable.



After determining aesthetics and functions, any architectural lighting’s final aspect is to utilize the energy efficiently. We live in a world where green or energy-efficient things are preferred over others. it also helps in playing our part in keeping nature safe.

Therefore, a perfectly designed ALD makes perfect use of all the available light sources. Sunlight is utilized when it is available and electrical lighting is only used when necessary. it will also help in greatly decreasing your energy costs.


Architectural Lighting Design can enhance the beauty of your structure by making full use of lighting. Three main factors determine the success or failure of any ALD.

In this article, I have introduced you to the vast world of ALD or architectural lighting design. I hope that you found it interesting and it has helped you in increasing your knowledge about ALD.

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