5 Pool Maintainance Tips Every Home Owner Should Follow


Having a pool is more than just a luxury. Swimming is one of the best and most convenient ways to exercise, and it’s important that you take care of your pool so that you can use it for years to come. Below are some suggestions on how to maintain your pool.

Keep your pool clean

Keeping your pool clean is an essential part of maintaining your pool. There are several ways to do this, including using an Intex Pool Cleaner to clean the pool. These cleaners are very easy-to-use and will keep your pool sparkling clear. You can pick one up at any local department store or online retailer.

Moreover, you can use a pool brush to remove debris from the bottom of your swimming area. This is also known as vacuuming or sweeping in some circles. It’s important that you don’t forget this step because it will help prevent dirt, dead bugs and other unpleasant things from getting into the water where they could cause infection if swallowed by someone swimming there later on down the road.

Ensure the water is treated with the correct chemicals

It’s important to use the correct amount and type of chemicals in your pool. This will ensure that you are maintaining your swimming pool correctly, keeping it clean and safe for swimming.

The first step is to test the water regularly with a test kit or test strips. You should also have a test kit on hand at all times so that you can check your levels if there is a problem before it becomes serious.

Keep an eye out for pool algae

Algae is a common problem in pools, especially during the summer months when it’s hot and humid. Algae can cause skin irritations, so it’s important to keep an eye out for it if you have children or pets who use your pool regularly.

You should also be aware of how algae affect your pool because it will smell bad. If there are too many algae in your water, this will make it smell like rotten eggs or sulfur (sulfuric acid). This smell can be overpowering at times and may even make people sick from inhaling too much of it while they swim in their backyard pools.

The algae can clog the filters. When there are large amounts of algae present on surfaces such as walls or steps inside a swimming hole, then these areas will become clogged with dirt over time due to all sorts of materials sticking onto them such as dust particles floating around inside air currents caused by fans running 24/7 throughout summertime months where temperatures reach upwards into triple digits Fahrenheit outside.

Maintain and clean your automatic pool pump

You should clean your automatic pool pump every two weeks. To do this, remove the lid and clean the inside of the body using a soft brush or cloth that has been dipped in vinegar. You can also use baking soda if you don’t have any vinegar on hand.

Next, check to see if there are any blockages in the filter basket by removing it from its housing and placing it under running water (you may want to wear rubber gloves for this step). If there are no blockages present, then it is time for you to replace your old unit with a new one!

Pool Maintainance Tips 2

Clean the filters on your pump regularly

Clean the filter every week and check it for damage. If you notice any damage to your cartridge filter, replace it immediately. A damaged filter can cause problems with water quality and may even break down completely, requiring a complete replacement of all pool equipment (which is expensive).

Keeping a pool clean is much easier than you think.

Keeping a pool clean is much easier than you think. First, use a pool vacuum to clean up any debris that may have been floating around in your pool. Then, use a brush to scrub the floor of your pool and remove any algae or dirt that has accumulated there. If you want to keep things looking pristine, add algaecide on a regular basis. This will kill any algae that might be growing on its surface. Finally, scrubbing down walls with chlorine-based cleaners is another must-do step to keeping your water clear, sparkling and safe.


If you follow these tips, your pool will stay clean and healthy all summer long. You’ll also save yourself a lot of time and effort by not having to scrub away at algae or deal with clogged filters.

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