5 Great Ways to Protect Your Walls From Repelling Darts


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Many darts players, including myself have been left frustrated and dismayed after a stray dart has made its way to the wall or floor, leaving an unsightly mark. This is not the end of your game, however! There are many simple ways to protect your home from these little missiles. Read on for 5 great tips on how you can protect your walls and floors from those pesky darts!    

Why the protections is necessary

Darts can cause serious damage to your walls, floors and other items. Darts that are not properly secured will often fly off of the dartboard when they hit before coming back down onto a wall or floor. The darts could also bounce around within a room after hitting their target area on the board. In extreme cases, stray darts have even caused fires from broken light bulbs in ceilings where people were hanging out playing with them at night time. It is very important to make sure you protect your home as well as potential injury victims while you’re having fun throwing projectiles! Here are five ways we recommend for protecting against this issue:

Use a dartboard Surround

Place your dartboard with a solid piece of wood to protect your walls. The darts will still be able to get through, but they won’t have such an easy time bouncing off the wall and re-entering play. Dartboard surronds are affordable and come in a variety shapes; rectangular, hexagonal or circle.   

Alternative of dartboard Surround(DIY)                     

Use a thin strip of cardboard Cut out small strips from some heavy card stock or other thick paper material like poster board. Place these around the perimeter of where you usually hang up your dart board on the wall at different heights so that it is taller in front than behind when viewed from above. This way even if one stray dart does bounce back into play over part of this surface area it will not hit another player as easily because there is more distance between them due to being farther away at that point in space.                                       

Get a dartboard cabinet                                

A dartboard cabinet is a great way to protect your wall and floor surfaces from stray darts. A cabinet allows you to store your board safely away from children’s reach while still putting it in a highly-visible location that everyone will be able to enjoy. You’ll also have more room on your walls when playing games like traditional chess or checkers using an oversized board because there won’t be any hooks hanging around! Moreover, it protects the walls  and floor surfaces from closed doors. It also protects flooring against throwing incidents–especially helpful if there are pets in the house that might try to form stray darts. They are made from MDF, plywood, particleboard, chipboard, or melamine and are available in a variety of colors to match your personal décor. Check out this list of affordable dartboard cabinets to find one that is right for you. 

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Build your own wall protector

If you are looking to protect the wall behind your dartboard, creating a backboard is one of the easiest ways. The first thing you’ll need to do is measure out where on your wall or door it will go. You have two options here: either leave some space between the board and what’s behind it (0-24″) or attach right up against whatever else is there. Once that measurement has been taken, use a level and pencil lines to mark those measurements onto the surface so they can be cut with a saw for easy installation later. Next, drill pilot holes into each line drawn on the surface in order to prevent cracking from occurring when installing screws through them at an angle using drywall anchors if necessary.

Use a darts mat

Dart mats are commonly used for grip and oche but the best way to protect your floors from stray darts is with a dart mat. You can take it outside or lay it on the floor, but make sure that you’re not too close to any furniture. The mats are designed for people who play at home so they won’t damage the flooring. Darts are made out of rubber, they stick very well with any type of flooring. 

Use a standard rug or floor mat

A standard rug can be used to cover the area behind where players stand which may save you some bucks compared to regular dart mat. It is also helpful in providing a soft landing for stray darts that might fall short of their mark. The rugs are relatively inexpensive, and they come in many different sizes and colors – making it easy to find something that suits your needs or tastes.

If you’re reading this article, it’s likely that one of your dart players has a habit of throwing their arrows on the wall. It may be frustrating for both parties when they are trying to play and all of the sudden an arrow bounces back off of the wall and hits them in the face. We have five fantastic ideas for how you can avoid having your walls get ruined by those pesky darts!

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