Landscaping is something that’s quite personal to each of us. We all have our own preferences when it comes to the aesthetics that we enjoy, after all. With that said, there are some things that are fairly universally appealing in comparison. One such is moss, although at first glance, that might sound a bit strange.
For those who aren’t overly familiar with it, you may be wondering how moss is appealing in the slightest. At first glance, it might seem like more of a nuisance than anything. However, we’re here to explain why this is quite far from the case! Moss can be a great augmentation to any garden, you just have to know what to do with it.
The Basics: What is Moss?
We’ll start off simple here, just so that we’re all on the same page. You can find some details here,, just as a bit of background. Put simply, though, moss is just another type of plant. It doesn’t flower, but instead releases spores.
A lot of folks hear the word “spore” and assume it’ll be a bad thing, but in this case, it’s really not. In fact, it’s part of what can make this type of décor so nice in a garden! It can be almost entirely self-sustaining, depending on the type of moss and the climate that you’re in.
Moss Gardening
As many of us already know, there are all sorts of methods of gardening that we can enjoy. One that’s not quite as well known, though, is moss gardening. Popularized in Japan, it’s become a smash hit all across the world because of the versatility of the plant. Really, the main draw is that you can do almost anything that you want with moss.
So, when it comes to moss garden decor, you may be wondering what options there are. The first thing that you’ll want to keep in mind is that there are many different textures and colors of moss. You can have it grow in a particular shape if you’d like, and some retailers offer some structures specifically designed for that purpose.
A lot of it will depend on your own personal preferences of course – and what you take inspiration from! We’ll offer some potential ideas in the next section if you’d like to see some in action.
Moss as Decor
Now, let’s discuss some of the different options that we’ve got in terms of how to decorate with these plants. One fun option is to create a fairy garden. That’s where some of those pre-built structures can really shine, too.
What might one look like? Well, much of it is very customizable, thankfully. Take a moment to think about what you imagine little woodland fairies might live in! From there, you can take to some blogs or pinboards that have some photos and get some inspiration, if you’d like. Personally, we think of small huts with stone paths leading up to them.
Of course, you certainly don’t have to stick to woodland fairies if you want to make one. It truly is all up to you. Moss can be planted around the huts to create a sort of mystical looking grass, or it could be growing between the stones – even along the walls of the small structures if you’d like!
Are there other options as far as décor goes, though? You’ve probably already guessed this, but naturally the answer is “yes.” As you can see in the image above, you could also use moss as a backdrop for all sorts of different landscapes that you may want to set up. Having little animal statues or something similar means you could easily nestle them along the soft moss and have them be features for your garden!
Is it Safe for Your Other Plants?
Gardeners out there may be worrying for the safety of their other plants if they install a moss garden or décor piece somewhere in their landscaping. It’s understandable, of course, but we’re here to assure you that your plants won’t be in danger. As you can see on this page, most varieties of moss are not considered to be “weeds,” which are types of plants that can choke out other ones.
Does Moss Require Lots of Maintenance?
The next question that might be on your mind is this one: how difficult is it to care for moss? Although many of us are willing to put in extra work to get the aesthetics that we desire out of our landscaping, it’s nice to have décor that won’t require that. Thankfully, most moss varieties are quite low maintenance.
Bear in mind that there are some exceptions, so you’ll want to read the information on any seeds or pre-grown moss that you’re purchasing. Ensure that you’ll be able to care for it properly.
Where Can it Grow?
Honestly, this is one of the biggest selling points of moss. If you didn’t know, it doesn’t require dirt or soil in order to grow. That means that it can be planted almost anywhere that you’d like it to add some flare!
Stones and logs are some common choices, since it can give them a rustic feeling that fits in with a lot of landscaping projects. This is also part of what makes buying moss worthwhile. You see, if you buy some and let it flourish for a while, you can take small bits and transplant them in other areas of your garden.
Ideally, it will be able to flourish no matter where you place it, so long as you’re providing adequate water and sunshine (depending on the type, of course). Anyone who’s been looking for something to add an extra touch of pizzazz to your garden, hopefully this helps you see some of the possibilities! Don’t be afraid to browse the internet for further inspiration as well – there are all sorts of amazing things that you can accomplish in your landscaping.