Why I Love Western Area Rugs


Western Rugs 101

Area rugs add a stylish pop to any space—your living room, bedroom, or dining room. Though area rugs come in many different types, western area rugs are particularly vibrant and add a ton of character. Plus, you can’t get much more functional than a rug—it’s comfortable; it reduces noise; and it protects the flooring underneath it.
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So what are the top reasons to love western rugs? Well, their designs are at the very top of the list. No matter your preference, these rugs are mesmerizing in their depictions of western culture, from animals to intricate geometric patterns to floral designs and so much more. Most western rugs depict various aspects of desert life, so there’s a ton to choose from. Because of this variety, you can pick out whatever appeals to you to fit with the décor you already have in your home. Or, you could buy the rug first and then tailor all of your décors to match it. Either way, your space is sure to feel sophisticated and welcoming.

Western Area Rugs Are Easy To Work With Or Build Upon

Another reason to love western area rugs is that they’re incredibly versatile. You can add them to any space since they come in all different sizes. They even come in different shapes as well. Say you want to add a rug underneath your round dining room table. No problem—there’s a western rug for that. Whether space calls for a rectangular or oval rug or a runner, you’ll be able to find a western rug that works for you. The different colors and materials add to the rugs’ versatility too. They come in all colors of the rainbow, so you won’t have to worry about not being able to find one that fits with your décor. And in terms of materials, there are myriad options as well. Go with a synthetic blend for easy cleaning or a wool rug if you’re looking for a more authentic feel.
Whisky River rug American Dakota
One of the best reasons to purchase an area rug is that it protects the flooring underneath it. This is especially important in households with smaller children who are more prone to making messes. But even if you don’t have kids, these rugs protect carpet from spills and hardwood floors from scratches or damage from spilled liquids. And with carpet, in particular, an area rug is generally easier to clean. Since many of the designs of western area rugs are extremely intricate, a spill won’t even be as noticeable as if you had gotten something on the carpet.

With western area rugs, the options are limitless! And the best part is that you can pick one that fits your price range. There are cheaper rugs that are smaller and made out of synthetic material, and then there are more expensive rugs that are large and made from wool. It’s all about personal preference and what your wallet can spare. But no matter what you end up with, a western rug is sure to be a great addition to any space.

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