If you want to store clothes, the process might seem to be easy, but if you don’t store your clothes properly, they could get ruined, which could lose you a lot of money if they are expensive. Don’t let bad storage cost you time, money and your favourite clothes. If you want to extend the life of your clothes, then packing, storing, and cleaning should be top priorities.
Here, our focus will be on the most effective method for storing clothes in a storage unit in order to help extend the life of your clothes and reduce the chances they get ruined.
How to Pack Clothes for a Storage Unit
The first step involves washing your clothes. You need to carefully wash each garment before you pack them. Next, you will need to vacuum seal your clothing, but only for a brief period of time. Then, take your apparel and place them in a container.
Ideally, the container should be made of plastic, and you should use clip-on lids to facilitate the process. Cedar balls are also strongly recommended. Cedar balls are designed to keep away mildew and moths. They also help prevent musty odours from affecting your clothes.
The final step involves working with a professional facility. Call a local storage facility and ask if they also provide climate control, as this will help preserve the quality of your clothes, 365 days a year.
Different Storage Options
You can use cardboard boxes. Cardboard boxes can be folded, and they are cheap and simple to use. However, they may absorb moisture, which may attract mould, mildew, and pests. They will also eventually break down.
Plastic bags are an inexpensive option as well. However, it may be hard to properly fold and pile your clothes in plastic bags. Wardrobe boxes are yet another option for storage that may serve as a viable alternative to cardboard boxes.
Vacuum bags can help provide an air-tight seal for certain articles of clothing. Plastic storage boxes have the benefit of lasting a lifetime. They are more expensive than cardboard boxes, though, and they cannot be folded.
However, you can stack them to save room, and they will not attract pests. Garment bags serve as yet another storage option, depending on what items you wish to store in your storage locker.
The end goal is to find a solution that is convenient for storing your clothes in a storage unit that you wish to use. There are many storage units available in Etobicoke. Still, you need to find a storage unit in Etobicoke that provides climate control technology in order to fully protect your clothing.
Suggestions for Preparing Your Clothing for Storage
Plastic bags should be thrown out. If you want to store your clothes for a prolonged period of time, then plastic bags should be a last resort. They tend to harm clothing by absorbing large amounts of moisture over time.
As for items that seem clean to the naked eye, do not leave things to chance. Take the time to follow the label on the garment in order to clean it again. If you notice a strange odour on the article of clothing, then get rid of it via a clothing steamer.
Take your garment and place a screen between it. Then, take your vacuum and turn it on to the low suction setting. By doing so, dust and loose soil will be safely extracted from your textiles and other articles of clothing. Such materials will be hard to remove via simple washing techniques.
You also need to formulate a simple and effective labelling and organization method. In other words, you need to create a sound system for properly storing all of your clothes in a storage unit in Etobicoke.
Do’s and Don’ts for Clothing Storage
Do not use wire hangers. If you want to use clothing racks, then they should only be used to store breathable fabrics. Cedar is also excellent for storage. For example, cedar oil can be used in order to store your clothing apparel.
Line your drawers and metal boxes with breathable fabrics in order to optimize their use. Harsh fold lines should be avoided at all costs. Eliminate wrinkles in order to enjoy your garments to their fullest.
Tissue paper that is acid-free should also be used whenever possible. You can use it to separate articles of clothing so that your items will be thoroughly protected.
As for your storage unit, you should check in on it from time to time. While most storage facilities are secure, it wouldn’t hurt to pay a visit to ensure that everything is as it should be.
Clothing Matters
Storage is an ongoing process. It is not a one-and-done process. Pay a visit to your Etobicoke storage unit to ensure that everything is in immaculate condition. If you notice any problems or any system vulnerabilities, then speak to a representative in order to rectify the problem.