Ways to Keep Your Furnace in Good Shape


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When the weather gets cold, we begin to rely on our furnace to keep our homes warm and comfortable all winter long. Unfortunately, not all furnaces will work as expected, which can lead to some incredibly cold and uncomfortable days.

But if you want to keep your furnace in good shape to keep you warm, there are a few things you should do and keep in mind. They are generally quick, easy, and can have some absolutely phenomenal results. Without any further ado, let’s go over a few ways to keep your furnace in good shape and make sure it continues to work well for years to come.

Get it Inspected and Maintained

The first thing to do in order to keep your furnace in great shape is to get it inspected and maintained regularly. Even if your furnace seems to be working well, don’t neglect it. Things could be happening behind the scenes that are damaging the furnace, and you may simply have no idea about them.

You want to get it inspected by a professional at least once a year, to ensure there are no problems or issues that are developing that you might have missed or won’t be able to see. There are likely companies in your city who offer affordable furnace repair, and they would be more than happy to come out and inspect your system to make sure all is well.

They will come out and look at the inner workings or your furnace, and test it to make sure there are no major problems. It is generally quite quick, and is affordable for most budgets, and is certainly worth doing.

Change Out the Filter

Another important thing to do if you want to keep your furnace working its best is to change out the filter. The filter in your HVAC system plays a very important role. It not only can improve your indoor air quality, but it also stops dirt, dust, and other debris from entering into your system, which could damage it.

If you don’t change your filter, it can become so clogged with dust and debris that it inhibits your furnace’s ability to work as well as it should, leading to its lifespan potentially being reduced.

When it comes to how often to change a furnace filter, it depends. In many cases, a filter in a furnace can last three months before it needs to be changed out. However, there are some more affordable filters that you may need to change out monthly. Also, if you have pets or children, you might need to change out the filter more frequently.

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Be Careful Not to Overwork it

Next, you need to be careful not to overwork your furnace and HVAC system as a whole. Running it efficiently is fine, but if you begin to overwork it and work too hard, it can dramatically reduce how long the furnace is effective for.

Some common ways that people overwork their furnace are running it too often, having dirty ducts, heating a home when the windows are open, or blocking registers and vents with things like furniture or piles or clothing.

Also, take some time to air seal your home. If you have air gaps and leaks around windows or doors, it can let in the cold outdoor air, which goes against your heating efforts. Not only does this mean your furnace needs to run longer and overwork itself, but the financial costs can be staggering as running a furnace all day every day isn’t cheap.

Keeping Your Furnace in Good Shape

These are some surefire ways to ensure your furnace is in good shape and continues to work well. By changing the filter often, not overworking your system, and getting it properly inspected, you can ensure everything is as expected.

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