Signs That Your Air Conditioner Needs Servicing


Air conditioning systems are a necessity during the summer months. So, if yours breaks down during this time, it will cause major discomfort. When your air conditioning unit is not performing as effectively or running as efficiently, as it should, you should call AC professionals to service your machine. By fixing small repairs before they progress into larger ones, you will be saving a lot of inconvenience and money.

Signs That Your Air Conditioner Needs Servicing

Regular services of your AC are important to keep it efficient. When you notice that there is something wrong with your unit you need to contact a specialist so that AC repair can be performed before the problem turns into a much bigger problem.

When to Call for an Air Conditioning Service

There are some important signs that indicate that your AC unit may need professional maintenance.


1. No Cool Air

Air that is at a higher temperature than expected suggests that your unit may need AC repair. If no air is being blown, this can be a sign of a damaged compressor, or that the refrigerant needs topping up.

2. Limited Airflow

A steady flow of air should be coming from the AC, if it is absent, there are several possible causes of this problem, including: clogged filters or blocked ductwork. Reduced airflow can also occur due to a failing compressor.

3. Bad Smells and Mysterious Sounds

Unusual sounds coming from your AC unit indicate a problem. If the sounds are like metal grinding then you need to switch off the system. A burning smell coming from the air conditioner indicates burnt wire insulation. Musty smells indicate mold growth within your ductwork.

4. Increase in Temperature

The heating of the AC can be a sign of a dirty coil, damaged electrical components, a broken motor fan, or a refrigerant leak.

5. Aircon Servicing for Leaks

Leaks from your air conditioner are a major problem if the leak is refrigerant liquid leaking out. You need to contact a specialist. Refrigerant is a hazardous substance to both people and animals. Water leakage may be due to a clogged drain tube.

If you notice any signs that your air conditioning unit is not acting quite as it should, it is important to contact an air conditioning company, for an AC service and AC repair of any small damages, before they turn into big, expensive problems. Call us today to schedule a maintenance service.

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