If you are planning to build your own house, there are rules in place that you must follow and also get permits from local authorities before you commence. It is crucial to understand these rules to avoid clashing with authorities. You should know the permits you need and the regulations you should adhere to throughout the construction process.
Apart from the rules, there are restrictions on using some resources. Failure to adhere to these rules and regulations can attract huge penalties, stall your construction project, or even force you to restart the project, which can be costly.
These rules do not apply to only new houses, but even remodeling old ones involves restrictions and also requires permits. As you ponder on the idea of when your new home will look like, choose the architects, and the design style, make sure that you have everything covered on all ends.
Here are the top rules you should know about constructing your own house.
Know the permits that are needed
The fact that you own a piece of land does not give you the freedom to do anything you want with it. Your activities on the plot could cause disturbances to the neighborhood, and without permits, you can find yourself on the wrong side of the law. These permits are usually obtained from your state administration or city authorities.
You cannot commence the construction of your house without having the plans of the house approved. That is why you need an architect that is well-versed in drawing building plans to seek permissions and know building regulations and procedures. You can visit https://www.humphreyandsons.co.uk/ for top-notch architecture and design services.
You also have to obtain clearance certificates from the development authority, fire, and environment departments.
Understand the restrictions in place
It would help if you knew the various restrictions while constructing your own house, or you risk attracting heavy penalties. For instance, debris from the construction should not under any circumstances fall or be dumped in the road in front of the construction site. If it falls on the road by any chance, make sure it is removed within a week.
To avoid this, make sure that you cover any construction happening on a roadside with a net screen, which should be at least 8 feet tall. While erecting the net, make sure that there is some space between the net and the walls so that the debris from construction can fall into that space.
On top of that, any activity that can cause noise pollution should not be done after 10 PM, especially if your project is in the middle of a residential settlement area. If there is any demolition involved, it must be conducted in a manner that does not disturb the whole neighborhood.
The penalties
All of the restrictions above will lack some relevance if there are no penalties for flouting them. Apart from understanding the rules and regulations, you must also know the penalties if a rule is broken. For example, if you are found digging a borehole without the necessary approvals, you will be penalized by the water department and even be asked to close the borehole. This means that you might end up incurring double losses in penalties and costs incurred in digging the well.
Additionally, if you do not remove construction debris that falls on the road, the authorities will do it on your behalf but will charge you for doing it. Any noise complaints from your neighbors can lead to the construction being stopped during day hours.
It is critical to know what the law, both local and state, demands when it comes to building your house. Hiring professionals like architects and engineers can help you to be on the right side of the law and get your project completed in time.