Reasons Why You Should Keep Your Air Ducts Clean


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There are a number of reasons why you should keep your air ducts clean. The particles and microbes in your ducts can raise your allergy profile and/or trigger asthma. Ill people in the household may become worse, developing more symptoms associated with their diseases or complications from them. In order to prevent any of these things from happening, you should have your air ducts cleaned. This article will give you the few most important reasons to do so.

1) Asthma and Allergy Problems

The first reason you should keep your air ducts clean is because of the effects they can have on those who are suffering from asthma or allergies. The folks at Pure Airways suggest that “the particles and microbes in your ducts can raise your allergy profile and/or trigger asthma.” The particles and microbes that gather in these areas can be easily inhaled by people living in the household, leading to raised levels of certain allergens. When an allergen or pathogen enters your lungs, it will stay there until you expel it through either coughing or sneezing. When the person living in the household with asthma or allergies stays exposed to these allergens or pathogens for a long period of time, they will find their symptoms worsening. The only way to keep your family members healthy is to have your air ducts cleaned and sanitized.

2) Illness

Another reason you should keep your air ducts clean is because of the effects they can have on those who are already ill. If an already sick person spends a lot of time in one room, their illness could become worse. This is because the pollutants from your air ducts can boost allergy symptoms and/or trigger asthma flare-ups. The sick person may experience more symptoms associated with their disease or complications from the illness itself, depending on the situation.

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Also, cleaning air ducts can help prevent different kinds of illnesses. That means cleaning your air ducts can reduce your chances of becoming ill or make you feel better if anything does manage to get inside. By keeping your air ducts clean, you reduce the number of particles and germs that circulate through the air and spread throughout your house, thus reducing everyone’s risk for disease/illness.

3) Duct cleaning improves your system’s performance

Duct cleaning can also improve your HVAC system’s performance. When the air supply is cut off in any capacity, it damages the system. When your ducts are dirty, they decrease your air supply and can lead to system damage. Once contaminants are removed, your air ducts will work more efficiently to provide you with clean air. A dirty HVAC system works ineffectively and consumes more energy. This means less money in your pocket as you pay for higher utility bills to power your inefficient HVAC system.

4) Duct cleaning can improve your indoor air quality

Exposure to pollutants from your HVAC system’s ducts is harmful to the health of everyone in a household, especially children and the elderly. By keeping your ducts clean, you will help increase the quality of the air inside your house. Inhaling quality air is the first step in living a healthier and happier life. Cleaning your air ducts is an easy process that can save you money and improve your indoor quality of life if done correctly.

5) Keeping your air ducts clean will reduce the chance of a fire breaking out in your home 

Fire prevention is also an important reason to keep your heating and cooling systems maintained. The dirt, dust, and debris that builds up inside of your ductwork can eventually catch fire. If your ducts are not clean, the risk of a fire breaking out in your home will increase. 

6) Duct cleaning eliminates musty odor at home

Odors from mold, mildew and other allergens can build up in your air ducts over time. When these odors become strong enough, you can smell them throughout your home. 

A professional air duct cleaning service will use special equipment to locate where the odor is coming from and how far it has spread in your system. The technician will then use powerful blowers to clear out the problem area(s), eliminating the odor at its source.

Having clean air ducts is really important. Dirty ducts can affect all sorts of things, but the health of your family should always be the first. Every year, you should have your air ducts professionally cleaned by a qualified technician. There are many reasons why this is important to do so and the most important ones are listed above. So if you have dirty, clogged air ducts, get them cleaned right away. 

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