At some point after purchasing a home, you’ll think about how to make its exterior look appealing. When it comes to deciding their home’s landscape, a lot of people instantly think about the conventional lawn. Nevertheless, synthetic lawns offer benefits over their traditional counterparts that are too appealing to ignore.
Below, you’ll get to explore the features of synthetic grass that make it the obvious choice for boosting the value of your home.
Little to No Maintenance
One of the key reasons why artificial grass Fort Lauderdale has been in high demand is that it requires little to no maintenance. You don’t need to worry about mowing, watering, or fertilizing it. In essence, your lawn can retain its aesthetic appeal without preservation.
If you go with conventional grass, you’re bound to worry about simple things like purchasing a lawnmower, hiring someone to mow the lawn, and how much water you’ll need to keep the lawn looking fresh.
On the other hand, homeowners who purchase artificial grass understand that even if they don’t lift a finger, the lawn will remain the same height and retain its unique appeal. They wouldn’t need to go through the hassle of assigning their lawn mowing tasks to anyone or checking online shops to find a suitable lawn mower brand. This way, they get to save time and effort.
Also, synthetic grass doesn’t need watering. This is especially beneficial to homeowners who live in areas prone to drought. Otherwise, they’d have to figure out how to work with the constraints of using very little water inside the home or irrigating their lawn.
Using a lot of water to make your lawn fresh would also rack up your energy bills. In essence, artificial grass ensures that you use a lot less water and pay a reduced amount in utility bills.
Finally, when you purchase synthetic grass, you won’t need to go through the trouble of checking if pests have invaded the lawn. For one, artificial grass is made out of material like nylon or polyethylene which discourages pests from building homes. Also, there’s no soil underneath, meaning that insects like ants and worms get discouraged from making their habitats.
Simply put, you wouldn’t need to purchase chemical weed killers and pesticides when you’re going with artificial grass.
Conserving Water
Artificial grass remains your best option if you’re looking to reduce your water consumption while beautifying your home’s landscape.
Traditional grass requires watering at least three times a week during the periods of the year favorable for grass growth. Even if you’re residing in an area with a wet climate, you’ll still need to irrigate about 1-2 times a week.
Optimally, 1-1.5 inches of water each week is needed for natural grass lawns. If your lawn measures 1,000 square feet, this translates to using over 600 gallons of water each time you irrigate. If your soil is sandy, you’ll be required to water your lawn with more water.
On the other hand, synthetic lawns can stay green without water. This way, you won’t have to spend neck-breaking amounts on your water bill.
When you conserve water, you get to reduce your environmental footprint. The world has become increasingly concerned with water scarcity – it wouldn’t make sense to use up a lot of water just to conserve your lawn when it can be used for other vital things in your home.
Durable and Long-Lasting
Synthetic lawns are durable since they can still retain their vibrant look even with heavy foot traffic. This is especially beneficial for homeowners who have kids, pets, or a lot of guests trooping into their homes at all times.
If you use artificial grass in a region with adverse weather conditions, it would still be in perfect condition. Come rain or sunshine, the material is designed to withstand extreme temperatures. It doesn’t matter whether there’s snow, rain, or a heatwave; artificial lawns would remain lush green.
One key reason why homeowners purchase synthetic grass to boost the value of their homes is its longevity. If you maintain it properly, the artificial lawn can last for as long as 20 years.

Boosts Aesthetics 24/7
Synthetic lawns come with an aesthetic appeal that instantly enhances the value of your property. It maintains the green and lush appearance that allows your home’s exterior to remain exquisite.
Artificial lawns boost your home’s visual appeal by staying green throughout the year. It doesn’t matter the season – the lawn will always retain that classy look.
The great part about choosing a synthetic lawn is that it comes in various styles and shades of grass. Hence, you can decide to go for a look that fits your home’s exterior better. Since artificial lawns are always looking maintained, it would make your home look instantly better to potential buyers.
Improves Safety
For homeowners who are looking to enhance the beauty of their home’s exterior and have kids and pets, safety is vital. Compared to natural grass, artificial grass is a lot safer.
For one, it’s made up of non-toxic materials that make it safe for children and pets to trample, roll, and exercise on. Also, synthetic grass doesn’t produce pollen which can trigger allergies. In essence, purchasing natural grass ensures that you have a reduced risk of you or your loved ones having an allergic reaction.
Also, since pests or weeds can’t inhabit artificial grass, you wouldn’t need to spray it with pesticides. Simply put, you reduce your exposure to potentially harmful chemicals when you choose synthetic lawns over traditional grass.
Synthetic grass’s versatility is one key reason why it remains a smart investment for homeowners and commercial building owners. Although its use as a lawn has been discussed, it could also work well on sports fields, playgrounds, and even indoor arenas.
If you reside in a region where natural grass grows at a slow pace due to poor soil quality or reduced sunlight, synthetic grass would be the perfect option for you. This way, you get to lower the cost of growing and maintaining natural grass. Also, artificial grass can fit the shape of any yard since it is customizable.