Metal or Tile Roofing


Metal or Tile Roofing 1

Australians have a variety of roofing materials to choose from. Some of the options include metal, tile, shingles, polyester, thatched, stone slab, and terracotta.

There are a lot more than the aforementioned options. You can read this article for more information on the available options.

Australians and Australian residents are expected to make educated choices when the need to choose a roofing material arises. Several things have to be taken into consideration for this purpose. In this article, we will focus on comparing metal and tile roofing to help you determine which option is better suited for your needs.

Metal or Tile Roofing: Which is Right for You?

Frankly, it is hard to outrightly say which is better given how both options outplay each other in certain areas. In the true spirit of making an informed choice, here is a guide to help figure out the best option for you:

Durability & Lifespan

The tile option comes off as having a longer lifespan. This is given how it can last for as long as a century. It could be 50 years at the barest minimum.

However, it requires more maintenance and is more susceptible to harsh weather conditions like hailstorms and a few others. As a result, the metal option is more durable. It is designed to last for up to 70 years at best. The minimum is around 40 years.

In short, tiles can last longer but metals are more able to withstand those things that can shorten a roof’s lifespan. It is quite tricky but that is how it is.

Climate Suitability

Both options are best suited for certain weather and climatic conditions. Metal roofs are better for hot & dry climates. On the other hand, tile roofs are better for moderate climates. This is because of their increased insulation capabilities.


Tiles require more maintenance services. As pointed out early on, tiles are more susceptible to things that can shorten a roof’s lifespan. As a result, it is not unusual to have to change broken or cracked tiles for instance.

The metal option also requires maintenance services. But it would be much less often. Some of the required maintenance services would center on removing moss and debris.

Structural Impact

Tiles weigh more than metal. As a result, tiles put more pressure on a building’s structure. In other words, the building’s structural support systems must be designed to accommodate it. This rules out the possibility of some buildings using it as they do not have sufficient structural integrity.

External Noise Reduction

Ordinarily, tile roofs are better at dealing with external noise than metal roofs. An example is during rain or even hailstorm. However, some roofers install soundproofing materials with metal roofs to increase their soundproofing capabilities. You can check for more information about this.


Which is better depends on your preferences. Tiles offer a more traditional and classic look. As a result, they are great for Spanish, European, and Mediterranean-styled homes for example. On the other hand, the ability to have metal roofs in various designs and colors makes them better suited for contemporary and modern-styled homes.

Metal or Tile Roofing 2


Metal roofs are usually more affordable than tile roofs. These are in the context of material purchase, installation, and maintenance costs. Some of the reasons for this include:

  • The complexities of manufacturing tile roofs – There are more processes involved
  • Its weight – Tiles are heavier than metal roofing sheets
  • Its fragile stat – Tiles are more fragile despite being heavier

The manufacturing complexities of tiles impact their cost as a material. However, their weight and fragility impact their logistics, installation, and maintenance costs.

Environmental Impact

Both materials can be recycled and this makes them eco-friendly to a great extent. However, the metal option can be considered more eco-friendly. This is given its less-complex manufacturing process that leaves less carbon footprint.

Energy Efficiency

Ordinarily, tile roofs can do a lot more in terms of energy efficiency. This is because of their natural insulating capacity. As a result, a lot less would be spent either cooling or heating a building that has tile roofing.

Considering that cooling and heating account for most of the power consumed by Australians in most parts, tile roofing can be considered very cost-effective. This is because of its impressive natural insulation features.

Metal Roofing Benefits

Some of the benefits of metal roofing besides the ones discussed above include the following:

Quick Installation

Its lightweight feature and a couple of other things make it easier to install. This speeds up the time in which a roofing project can be executed.

Pest Resistance

People who use this roofing option are less likely to have pest problems. It is not likely to come from the roof, at least. This positively impacts the roof’s structural integrity.

Great for Solar Panels

Solar panels have to be stationed on the roof and metal roofing is great for this purpose. For one, this is because it is sturdy enough to provide a suitable base. The way metals deal with heat also makes them a good choice for this purpose.

Easier to Harvest Rainwater

Metal roofs have very smooth surfaces that make them easier to harvest rainwater. This is especially with a good and well-installed gutter system in place.

Tile Roofing Benefits

Some of the benefits of tile roofing besides the ones discussed early on include the following:

Suitability for Various Roof Designs

This roofing material can fit in various roof designs. Examples include low-pitched and steep roof designs.


Top-quality tile roofing materials are fade resistant. So, you do not have to worry about their colors fading off.

Non-Combustible Feature

Tiles are non-combustible although some tile roofs have more of this feature than others. Concrete and clay products are very high on this list.

Various Styles

Several tile roof styles are available. As a result, people have a wide range of options to choose from.


On the whole, the best roofing material for you depends on your needs and preferences. This article has highlighted some of the areas where each option excels. You should make an educated choice based on the information shared here.

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