In today’s fashion world, acquired by social media and the zest of being the perfect version of themselves. Everyone wants to look beautiful and flawless. Be it a teenager, middle-aged, or old days. In this era where we humans started believing in the simple quote ” It’s never too late to live a life as you want or look the way you want”. With the advent of many technologies, beauty and cosmetic surgeries are in the boom. Growing at a rapid speed. That includes plastic surgery, jawline fixing, brow surgery, and many more. While South Korea is the hub for gifting people the look they desire. Yet many other places are proved to gift excellence when it comes to cosmetic surgery. Let’s dive in to know a few effective tips about Santa Monica Brow Surgery.
What is Brow surgery?
This cosmetic surgery is performed for fixing the excess sagging in the forehead skin. Doctors prevent the sagging of the skin around the eyes and forehead. And fix sagging in the skin of the forehead eyebrows, between the upper eyelids. Santa Monica Brow Surgery has performed plenty of surgeries so far gifting their patients with satisfactory results. The surgeons at the Santa Monica Brow Surgery, take immense care of patients’ requirements. Before starting the procedure, the surgeons explain every minute detail to the patients.
There are two types of Brow surgery:
These are the two ways to get that awesome forehead & eyebrow lift.
Classic lift
This form of lift is performed by continuously cutting the beginning at your ear level and proceeding to the hairline. Here the surgeon has to be extra cautious when it comes to determining your hairline area. So that to avoid any visible scar on your face. Surgeons at the Santa Monica Brow Surgery, make sure that you know the process well. Giving you both the two types of brow lift options. They explain to the patients and their guardians well, before performing the surgery. So don’t need to be worried as to how the surgery is going to end and what all be the process.
Endoscopic lift
The second method is an endoscopic lift, in this, the surgeon starts the surgery by making a few shortcuts in the patient’s scalp. Accompanied by inserting a scope, that is a small camera. The camera will be mounted at the end of a very thin tube. And then the surgeons insert another device, with the camera. To make and perform the surgery. It may sound a little scary to you, but with great surgeons such as the one performing at the Santa Monica Brow Surgery. You will get the best surgery, and you can be assured you are in good hands.
In the endoscopic lift, Here the surgeon proceeds with small anchors to effectively secure the tissues. Since the cut is smaller, the endoscopic lift is less invasive than the first one. The surgery will leave scars that will fade away in a very short period. The recovery is very fast.
To be done before the surgery
Since Santa Monica Brow Surgery proved to be the best when it comes to brow surgery. Certain pre-surgery rules should be followed. Following these rules made Santa Monica Brow Surgery as great and efficient it is today.
First You need to make time for a meeting with your assigned surgeon. This is to consult with the surgeon before starting the procedure. You have to be clear and open about your requirements, your ideas as you want this surgery to go and most importantly you have to be honest about your health, or any medical history you have. You have to be honest about this crucial thing, since your past medical history may create a hindrance in the surgery.
Your assigned surgeon will take a look at your entire forehead region along with upper eyelids and surrounding muscles. For further details contact us on the given number.