To any place in your home, you want to make sure that elegance is evident even if the space that you are trying to work on is small. Bathroom is one of the most used places in the house, hence even if your bathroom is small, you want to make sure that everyone who is using it will find the elegance and class you want to achieve from it.
Who says that a small bathroom cannot look elegant? There are many ways you can do to turn your small and boring bathroom to an elegant facade, without hiring a professional designer, buying expensive home goods and spending a lot of hard earned cash.
To help you with it, read the tips below:
Give your bathroom a warmth feel
Wooden accents even how small it is, look chic and luxurious in a bathroom. You will never go wrong with a combination of timber and white. A timber bath tray, or wooden plantation shutters is more than enough to give your bathroom a warmth of elegance.
Paint your tiles
Changing the color of your tiles using a tile paint is more than enough to give your bathroom a fresh and new look. If you have the time and patience to do so, update your grout too.
Hiring a professional is not necessary when painting tiles, although it may require a lot of your time, and patience to accomplish.
Open vanity
Open shelves can give your bathroom an elegant appeal, but, you have to make sure that everything in it is organized, like towels, soaps, face creams, etc., or else, instead of achieving elegance you will get chaos and major clutter look.
Choose glass
Going for a no steel shower frame can give your bathroom an illusion of bigger size, not only that, a glass on its own, especially when always clean can give your bathroom a hotel feel.
Dim the lights
If you want a bathroom that gives a spa like appearance, go for dimmer lights. Dimmer lights can soften the feel and the look of a bathroom. You can do this on your own, or you can hire an electrician, any way this they can finish in a day or half of the day.
Do not leave your luck to video tutorials as if you do, you might end up with a major rework or possible electrocution.
Adding up small fixtures will go a long way
Small fixtures like candles, white towels, oil diffusers, plants and more can definitely go a long way in the bathroom. Make sure though that the fixtures you are adding can complement your bathroom and would not make it look like a clutter.
Go for a large artwork
Not everyone is used to having an oversized artwork in the bathroom, hence considering it is a good idea. Give your bathroom a piece of artwork that everyone will notice and be amazed of. Making one major attraction in the bathroom can definitely awe your guests.
Make the bathroom always clean
Even how elegant looking the bathroom is, if it looks very dirty, the accents and elegance is useless. A bathroom that is clean, even how small it is, can absolutely look elegant and nice. Do not let a small clutter make your bathroom ugly.
Give your bathroom a nice scent
Using bathroom perfumes, scented candles or oils is a good idea. Make your bathroom smell like visiting a spa. The smell alone can set the tone of the bathroom hence you must not take the scent for granted.