How to Attract High-End Clients for Luxury Real Estate


Luxury Real Estate

Luxury real estate is a whole different game from traditional real estate. With larger commissions at stake, as well as more expensive properties, like those sold through, to sell in a given time frame, the luxury real estate market isn’t for the faint of heart. If you’re an agent having trouble drawing in high-end clients once you’ve found the right property, there are subtle (and overt) ways in which you can do so.

One of the best ways to build a network for anyone in real estate sales, let alone in sales in general, is to remain personable and engaged in your interactions. It isn’t enough just to be great at networking. You’ll also have to be even more well-versed in business dealings, and knowledgeable about the market as a whole.

Chances are, you started at square one in real estate, selling small homes and condos for a fairly quick turnaround. Now that you’ve made it to the big leagues, you’re going to want to know how to stay there.

Think About You and Your Clients’ Futures

Think About You and Your Clients’ Futures
As we said before, it’s not enough just to be aware of the client’s needs, and as a skilled salesman, you must be motivational, entertaining, and humorous when talking to them. Also, you’ll want to anticipate your client’s needs and follow up with them after everything is said and done. That way, you have a higher chance at working with them again, and being recommended as an agent.

Some excellent ways to stay in touch throughout the year include sending a yearly holiday card, remembering birthdays and sending a small gift or a card, and generally checking in on them throughout the year in a friendly way. As long as you know how not to be bothersome, and how to build loyalty between yourself and your clients, you could be on your way to building an exceptional list of long-term clients!

If you need extra help with meeting high-end clients, then it’s also worth going to networking events where you can meet other successful agents and get tips on how to meet the clients you’re looking to sell to. You can also look into networking with local businesses and nonprofits, which potential clients could be connected to.

Dress the Part

If you want to draw clients in that are of a higher caliber, in order to sell properties that are higher in value, then you’ll want to present yourself as professionally as possible. And part of that presentation is in your aesthetics. No need to go all out on suits or a wardrobe you can’t afford, but it’s worth it to look your best while you’re trying to sell a high-end property, or really any property.

Try updating your style and implementing more aesthetically appealing aspects. Always dress your best when you’re meeting with a client.

Anticipate Needs and Grow Your Perspective

Anticipate Needs and Grow Your Perspective
A successful agent always puts their clients first. Make sure that as a luxury real estate agent, you’re fighting for what your client wants, even if it’s not necessarily what you want.

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