Home is where you find absolute relaxation; there’s truly no place better than this on earth. In addition, what makes this place comfortable? Soothing interiors? Calm lighting, surround-sound music system, or bright-hued curtains are just some examples. Without these, a home is only four walls with brick and mortar.
Now imagine if 21st-century technology manages to seep into our home interiors and accentuate the level of comfort they already provide? Well, thanks to the Internet of Things or IoT as we better know it, it’s already started to happen. Moreover, if you aren’t aware yet, read on to see how our homes are slowly but surely converting into IoT-driven ‘smart homes’!
Some of it has already started while some it may be a work in progress but the following examples show how the IoT can improve our world.
IKEA’s Smart Lighting System – One of the pioneers in the field has been the home furniture and appliances leader IKEA with the launch of its smart lighting system for all homes, which can you may connect to the mobile devices of the user (resident).
With this trendy technology, the lighting of the entire house can be controlled by the click of a button! You can make it dim to relax in the evening after a long day at work, or brighten it up when guests arrive. The best part is that it allows you to even switch it on or off when needed, such as by setting automated timers on bedroom lights – all this right from your smartphone.
HiCan’s Smart Mattress – IoT proved its efficiency in improving the quality of sleep as well – one of the most important needs of today’s busy lives. They worked on developing a special ‘smart’ mattress that’s ideal for entertaining and looks after your health management.
IoT for cooking safety – How many times have you remembered on the way to work that you forgot to turn off the gas stove back home? Where your safety and that of your house is concerned, there’s no scope for compromise.
This is where IoT can be used in an innovative manner to combine the technology of wearable gadgets with cooking appliances. So the next time you leave home in a rush and forget to turn off the stove, don’t worry! You can turn it off anytime you remember it even outside of the home.
Let more natural light in – Natural sunlight is necessary for the healthy functioning of your mind and body. If you feel too lazy to get up and draw out the curtains in the morning to welcome the sunlight in, IoT can make this possible for you. You can now keep natural lighting in the control of your hand by regulating that the blinds open and stay open at certain specific times during the day so you’d never miss out on this cost and energy-efficient lighting even if you forget to avail it.
IoT Can Expand to Cover Home Interior Services Too
Why only home décor products, technology has the potential to touch essential utility services as well by connecting home appliances to an integrated home control system via IoT. Through this, you can now control the heat temperature of your house on a smartphone though developed mobile apps. or via an online assistant. As already described above, electricity and gas can also come in the IoT arena, wherein the latter enables on/off lights through Wi-Fi and starting/stopping pressure cooker on the smartphone!
IoT-Driven Smart Homes are Cost-Effective Too!
Perhaps the best advantage you may want to consider getting your home interior connected to smart devices via IoT is that the system can help improve your budget in multiple ways. Take for example the maintenance cost involved in getting the appliances repaired. The cost is higher if the issue is prolonged, particularly because it couldn’t be noticed at all earlier.
However, with IoT technology, you may be able to detect one or more issues with your home interiors right there on a smartphone, tablet, or wearable tech gadget. This can help ensure a timely fix up of problems, saving you loads of money later. Don’t forget the energy efficiency propelled by the technology (as explained earlier). No more wastage of valuable natural resources just because you aren’t at home to monitor them. When in doubt, just turn them off from anywhere and you’re all sorted.
Final Thoughts
IoT has made its vivid presence felt in a number of areas so far but who’d have thought that it could even improve our homes and our quality of living one day? With such automation of technology and plenty of other advantages in terms of energy-saving and cost, we can only thank the internet.
Author Bio
Bharat Patel, who heads the digital marketing team at Brainvire Infotech, is armed with over 12 years of experience in the fields of online marketing and project management. He is extremely proactive in implementing the latest technological innovations in his projects. Bharat’s core expertise lies in search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, and conversion rate optimization, among other things. His immense flare of writing encourages him to consistently pen down words revolving around current trends and innovations that relate to his fields of interest.