Tips for Radiant Skin-Best Solutions


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Gone are hot and humid summer days replaced by the cool crisp feel of fall, and as the seasons change, so does your skin’s look, feel and needs. Lower temperatures and humidity can drain skin’s moisture causing it to become itchy, dry and chapped. So, as summer transitions to fall, Hispanic women should adjust their skincare regime to protect skin and keep it looking beautiful and radiant all year round! To know or buy beauty products visit

Here are a few tips from board certified dermatologist Dr. Janice Lima-Maribona, official spokesperson for Dove Deodorant, to help protect skin during the fall season.

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Say No to Hot Showers

During the colder months, a hot shower can seem very appealing. However, hot water removes the body’s natural oil barrier, which helps retain moisture and keeps skin supple and smooth. Instead of indulging in a 30-minute hot shower session, try bathing in warm water for ten minutes or less. This will help skin retain its moisture which in turn helps prevent dryness. After showering, remember that the best way to dry off is by gently patting the skin with a towel instead of rubbing in a harsh up-and-down motion, as this can cause skin irritation.

Revitalize your Skin with Moisture

Moisturizers not only increase the skin’s water content, but they also protect the skin, improve tone and texture, and mask imperfections. When choosing skincare and beauty products, make sure the items you are selecting contain moisturizing ingredients, such as shea butter, to keep your skin hydrated. Heavier creams and body butters are best for fall months and should be applied while skin is still damp to help seal in the moisture.

Indoor, Outdoor Temperature Swap

During the fall, skin is frequently exposed to indoor heat, causing it to rapidly lose natural moisture. Due to increased layering of clothes during this time of year, sweating indoors is a common problem faced by many when trying to balance outdoor clothing needs with indoor heating realities. To combat odor and wetness, try Dove Clinical Protection Anti-Perspirant/Deodorant, which offers prescription-strength wetness protection while also moisturizing the delicate underarm skin area.  Dove Clinical Protection is the only clinical formula to contain Dove 1/4 Moisturizers with sunflower oil to soothe and condition underarm skin, and best of all, it’s available without a prescription! For best results, apply Dove Clinical Protection before bed. This gives the formula time to work and build a strong level of protection overnight.

Combating Free Radicals

Many Hispanic women do not know that free radicals can cause skin cells to break down, accelerating premature aging. These radicals can be found in UV rays, air pollution, iron in tap water, stress, cigarette smoke and poor diet. To protect your skin against free radicals it important to wear sunscreen daily, consume plenty of antioxidants such as Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Beta-carotene, which help the body neutralize the effects of free radicals.

Switching up skincare routines is important and does not have to be a difficult change. Simply recognizing the shift in weather and its subsequent effects will allow you to adjust your daily beauty regimen to match your specific skin needs! For more great tips on how to care for your skin during fall and winter.

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