Spring Cleaning: No Mops Required


Spring Cleaning

Now that spring is already at hand, there is no escaping your annual spring cleaning at home. When it comes to spring cleaning, you want to make the most out of your time. Check out these valuable tips that will help you in completing this year’s spring cleaning edition.

Start with your ref

Start with your ref
The best place to start your spring cleaning is with your refrigerator. The goal is to clean and organize it. Take out those empty bottles that you’ve been storing and may have already forgotten. Do you have those Mexican leftovers from last month? They should also go. Throw away food that is no longer safe to eat. If you smell something stinky, give your ref a thorough cleaning. Do the same thing with your freezer.

Revisit your clothes

When was the last time you checked your closet and inspected the clothes that you have? Now is the perfect time to sort out all of your clothes and see those that you can discard, sell, or give away.

You will be surprised to see that the number of clothes that no longer fit you may outnumber the ones that do. Hence, take them out of your closet and give them away or sell them in a garage sale.

Open up those boxes

Open up those boxes
Do you have some boxes that you have forgotten to unpack right after you moved to your current Hamptons real estate home? Or do you have a pile of valuable papers that are cluttered right on top of your work desk? Or perhaps you still have those old CDs and DVDs that no longer serve any use? Sort them out and throw away those that you no longer need.

Going through these items and clearing out the spaces they occupy may even result in finding an item that you thought you may have lost a long time ago. If you get lucky, you may even find a few dollar bills that have been hidden under the stacks of paper.

Say goodbye to that hoarder mentality

Say goodbye to that hoarder mentality
Lastly, you need to avoid becoming a product hoarder. Start with your cosmetics and medicine cabinet. Throw away the items that you don’t use or have already expired. Do the same thing with your bathroom shelves.

Check your shower curtains and see if it’s got some greenish grime. If you see those, then it’s time to replace your curtains with a brand new set.

With proper planning and time management, you can complete all of these tasks in one day. Just be patient and take on one task at a time. In the market for a luxury estate, consult with a trusted Hamptons real estate agent today.

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