How to Get the Most Out of Your Rotary Tools at Home?


The rotary tool is often overlooked as an essential tool. But, if you’ve ever used one you’ll appreciate how important it is. Not only can it save you tile it can also allow you to obtain a level of accuracy that you may otherwise have not thought possible.

If you haven’t already got a rotary tool then it’s time you got one. Dewalt is a good example as reviewed by Rotary Tools Guy.

The best way to get the most out of these tools at home is to understand the full range of applications available:

Cutting Power

Cutting Power
Your rotary tool probably has a cutting disc; similar to a tiny angle grinder. These are good for detail work and even trimming.

But you can also purchase straight cutting bits which are great at going through wood and other materials. You should be able to comfortably cut most material up to ½ inch thick.


Again this tool is designed for smaller projects. But its real power is when you need to do intricate work.

For example, if you’re looking to improve your balustrades a template and a rotary sander will help you to create a work of art.

You’ll be surprised at how effective they can be.

It may also interest you to know that the sanding attachment is good at trimming you dog’s nails! Of course your dog will need to be comfortable having the buzzing of a rotary tool by their ear.


If you’ve ever fancied personalizing a gift; especially one made from wood then you’ll appreciate this attachment.

You can write a name or simply create a pattern in the surface; allowing you to give a personal and truly unique gift.

It is also possible to get engraving attachments that will work on metal and other materials.

Get Rid Of Grout

Get Rid Of Grout
Sometimes the only way to improve the look of a tiled area is to remove the grout and replace it. However, this can be very difficult without damaging the tiles.
Fortunately tour rotary tool can come to the rescue. It’s really easy and extremely effective.

In fact you may start removing grout just because you can!


The rotary tools spins, add an abrasion disc and you have the perfect grinding tool. You can use this on odd sharp pieces of metal or you can use it to sharpen your knives and other cutting implements.

It’s surprisingly effective.


You may not be able to use your rotary tool to polish the surfaces in your home. But, you can use it to clean tools and other metal objects. Simply use the tiny wire brush to remove blemishes and marks.

Then polish it with the tiny polishing discs; almost any item will quickly look like new.

Just down try it with a chain; it will get wrapped round the shaft damaging the chain and the tool.

There are other uses for a rotary tool; the more you experiment the more you’ll find and the better your tool will be.

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