The excess humidity can damage the structure of your garage, its finishes and flooring, and other items stored in there. And if nothing is done about that either, then the moisture and the heat stored in your garage will eventually seep right into your house, causing increased temperatures and humidity. This eventually leads to the growth of mildew and mold that affects the health of you and other people in the house.
And that’s just the beginning of several other problems down the line. So we suggest you take care of this dilemma before it gets out of control and this is the post to show you how.
Check Your Garage’s Drainage
You should make it a habit to check your garage’s floor and rooftop drainage from time to time to keep condensation at bay. Make sure nothing is obstructing the floor drain covers and that downspouts and eavestroughs don’t have any debris to prevent leaks from getting into your garage.
Control the Temperature
Moisture is quite common during the colder months. Therefore, a heater is the only way to keep condensation levels in check. Just avoid using propane heaters as it projects high levels of water vapor.
Inspect the Ventilation
Another way to reduce condensation in your garage is proper insulation on the walls or the roof. It also helps keep the balance of air between the inside and outside of your home. You also should clean your ventilation systems to allow efficient airflow.
See if There Are Any Plumbing Issues
Some of the most common sources of garage moisture are pooled water and plumbing leaks. Leaking water heaters and leaking washing machine hoses are two of the major causes of moisture damage at home. If your water heater or washing machine is stored in the garage, check for any leaks and if you find them, ensure they are fixed as soon as possible. Also, check for leaks at utility sinks as they also cause humidity buildup. To get around this, make sure the drains around the utility sinks or any other drains in the garage are working properly.
Install a Dehumidifier
Dehumidifiers are quite effective at minimizing possible humidity or condensation issues. But you must regularly empty the water that gets collected in the device’s tank or attach a drainage hose that goes to the outside. Not even the best garage dehumidifiers are immune to eventual wear and tear.
Get Rid of Any Old Fridge or Freezer in Your Garage
If you have a second freezer or fridge in your garage that isn’t climate-controlled, then you should get rid of it as it contributes to humidity issues. The drip pans in these appliances can quickly fill up with water due to fluctuating temperatures. And when it gets hotter, the humidity forms on the outside of these appliances, which then evaporates.
Apply Floor Coating
Polyaspartic garage floor coating can help reduce your garage’s condensation significantly. It also prevents your flooring against any damage that it may sustain from daily wear and tear and provides an effective shield to protect the floor foundation from water damage. We suggest getting Floortex™ floor coatings as they are of the highest quality available in the market today. Not only do they look great, but they also offer better traction in wet garage environments.
Use a Vapor Barrier
A wall vapor barrier, one that’s properly installed, of course, can reduce garage condensation. Insulation products with vapor barriers built into them also help. They can even be used to cover the floor. The only thing they’re not suited for is garage ceilings as they will only trap the water vapor inside.