This article will showcase 7 of the factors and concepts for a great office design. Trendsetter companies like Google, top companies including Silicon Valley applied these office interior designs. Smart companies indeed understand that having workspaces with pleasant ambiance is a business tool. An office environment can reinforce business core values and it can also reflect the environment, culture, and brand.
We have seen various arrays of open office layouts partly because of transparency, openness, and collaboration are some of the common attributes that are trending today. These designs work well, however, studies show that this collaborative endeavor may be too much of a good thing. Surprisingly, people are now exploring the value of focus and space where employees can concentrate and perform better.
Take a look at these seven factors of workspaces based from Harvard Business Review to find the best balance between your team and your workspace.
1. Core (Location)
This is the degree to which the location and periphery are accessible by the majority.
2. Open (Enclosure)
This is the degree to which space put high regard to enclosures such as walls, ceilings or doors.
3. Public (Exposure)
This is the degree to which space offers privacy and visual space.
4. High-tech (Technology)
This is the degree to which space has incorporated with a high end or low-end tech tools.
5. Short-term (Temporality)
This is a factor to which space captivates lingering
6. Inward (Perspective)
This is the direction in which space uses the user’s focus and attention
7. Large ( Size)
This is the consumable square footage of the vicinity
There are a number of ways that these factors. All these can serve as the basis of a design envisioning the workshop with a larger group on how and where employees work and how they would be seen working in new and innovative ways in the future.
In the published article in the Harvard Business Review, clients were given in a design language where they can use to imagine a more conducive and strategic working environment. These factors serve as a basis for envisioning workshop with a larger group and how the people will together in new ways in the future.
To better understand how this all works well on a larger scale in real companies we have studied adobe and how they were able to adapt to having a great office design.
Adobe New York Office had been expanding due to the growth of its smaller companies. As a developing and maturing company in a fast-growing sector, the company has set direction competing firms to invest in their work settings and spaces. Adobe envisioned an opportunity to innovate and recreate the future of its Midtown Manhattan office.
The company knew they had quite a few challenges. In one instance, Midtown office employees had ceased using the space on a daily basis for a number of reasons. Many were choosing to work from home or away from the company, and had a few numbers of employees working remotely around the globe. Even those who did not work Midtown were spending more of their time virtually rather than physically as a consequence.
These experiences gave people a compelling reason to come to the office unless they really have to. The layout was consumed with few amenities, individual cubicles, and offices. Moreover, people from other departments began to work hand in hand, brought legacy work culture and space needs often conflicted.
Adobe learned that employees needed spaces that were transparent and provides a greater perspective to other regular activities in the office. They put high regard to purposeful spaces that gave them plug-and-play technology so that they can have an easy access to team members and to better collaborate virtually.
The challenges that Adobe encountered are common and presented how projects can be started with a statement like, “we need an effective and collaborative space”
In order to analyze the 7 great attributes with the employees, company leaders should know the answers to the following questions:
- Who are our employees and their growth in the next 5 years?
- Is there anyone else that uses our space and why?
- What impression do we want our visitors to perceive when they enter our spaces?
- What present workplace behavior would we like to change?
- Do we understand why people are not coming regularly to the office?
The outfitting of a workspace is a vital investment of any organization that has a major effect on a number of business outcomes, including employee’s productivity, satisfaction, engagement, recruitment, and branding. Given the various ways to design and plan a space, leaders should come up with brilliant approaches in a strategic way. Imitating the latest trends and adopting will not necessarily give you the result you expect from your company. Ask the right questions, and above all listen to your employee’s answers.
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