7 Easy Tips Keep Your Mattress Clean and Last Longer


Keep Your Mattress Clean 1

When you’re shopping for a mattress, it’s important to choose one that’s well-made and durable. The same goes for handling your brand-new bed. You want to get the most out of it! However, many people don’t know how to take care of their mattress so that it lasts longer and remains clean. Here are some tips for keeping your mattress clean and fresh:

Use a mattress protector

If you have a mattress with a removable cover, consider using a cotton mattress protector. The mattress protectors are available in a wide range of materials, from soft cotton to waterproof polyurethane and more. They’re designed to protect your mattress from stains, spills and dust mites–and they can even help prevent bed bugs!

They’re relatively inexpensive (about $25 for a twin size) so it’s worth investing in one if you want to keep your bedding clean longer. The best part? You don’t need to buy new ones every time you change out the sheets; just wash them regularly (machine-washable!) and reuse them until they wear out or lose their effectiveness at repelling water or preventing dust mites from getting onto your sleeping surface.

Vacuum your mattress regularly

The best way to keep your mattress clean is with regular vacuuming. The rotating brush on most vacuum cleaners will damage the surface of your mattress and wear down its fibres, so it’s important to use a vacuum with no rotating brush. If you don’t have one already, look for one that has an extended reach hose (20 feet or more) so you can easily reach all parts of your bed without having to move it again later. 

You should also make sure that every time before using any type of cleaning product on your sheets or pillows – especially ones made from foam – check them for any holes first by running water over them in the sink under low pressure; if there are any holes then let them dry completely before putting them back on again because otherwise moisture will get trapped inside which could lead towards mould growth later down the line due to bacteria build-up from sweat etc. 

Use the right kind of detergent when you wash your mattress

When it comes to washing your mattress, there are some things you should know. First, use the right kind of detergent. A gentle detergent will do the trick. You should avoid anything with bleach or fabric softeners in it as these can damage your mattress over time. Also, opt for liquid detergents over powders. They tend to be gentler on fabrics and easier on sensitive skin (if you have allergies).

Next, hot water can actually melt some types of foam mattresses so stick with lukewarm or cool water instead. However, don’t let this fool you into thinking that cold water will do just fine! It won’t penetrate deeply enough into your mattress and could leave dirt behind when dried out later on.

The last thing you need before applying any sort of cleaning product would be something clean yourself with first like maybe some old towels. Or maybe even better yet – put those dirty socks away somewhere safe before starting work here because nobody wants them anywhere near their clean bedding material.

Avoid using carpet cleaners on your mattress

Carpet cleaners are not designed for mattresses, and they can damage the materials that make up your bedding. Instead, stick with a mattress cleaner that’s designed to remove dirt and stains from the surface of your mattress without damaging it. Make sure to follow all directions carefully when using this type of product. Some require thorough vacuuming before use so that there’s no residue left behind after cleaning.

Men workers cleaning get carpet from an automatic washing machine and carry it in the clothes dryer in the Laundry room

Get rid of dust mites

Dust mites are a common cause of allergies, and they can survive on your mattress. Dust mites live in the fibres of your mattress, where they feed on dead skin cells and other organic matter. To get rid of dust mites, wash your sheets at least once every 2 weeks (or more often if you have an allergy) and vacuum regularly using a HEPA filter vacuum cleaner to capture allergens from deep within the mattress. Make sure to clean around all edges and crevices where dust mites may be hiding so that you don’t miss any spots.

Steer clear of heat

When it comes to your favourite mattress, steer clear of heat. Don’t leave your mattress in direct sunlight. The sun’s rays can damage the fibres and make them brittle over time, which leads to faster deterioration of the material.

Moreover, don’t leave your mattress in a hot car. Heat is also bad for mattresses because it causes mould growth and makes them smell like mildew. This is especially true if you live somewhere that gets really hot during the summer months.

In addition, avoid placing any other furniture near yours that has heat sources attached to it (i.e., radiators), as this will cause further damage over time by causing excessive moisture build-up between layers within an envelope structure like a spring system found underneath cushions made out of foam padding material.

Keep pets off the bed

If you have pets, it’s important to keep them off the bed. Pets can leave hair on the mattress and pillows, which can lead to allergies for people with sensitive skin or asthma. The same goes for pets with fleas. They may scratch themselves on your mattress and leave behind tiny eggs that will hatch into larvae later on. Fleas are not only annoying but also contagious, so it’s best to take care of these pests sooner rather than later.


As you can see, keeping your mattress clean and lasting longer isn’t exactly rocket science. It just takes a little bit of effort and common sense to make sure that your bed (and your back!) stays healthy for years to come.

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