Playtime is important for children. It’s a time when they can let loose and explore their creative sides uninhibited by the restraints of the classroom and rules. It’s important for kids to have some outdoor playtime so that they can get some fresh air and reap all of those health benefits that only comes from the great outdoors.
Just like you can create spaces indoors for children to play in (playrooms), so can you create a cool outdoor space for children too. There are plenty of creative backyard playground ideas to explore that can kickstart your kids’ playtime and facilitate their imaginations. The following are some of the most creative backyard playground design plans we’ve seen.
Chalkboard Walls
Kids love drawing, and outdoor chalk is nothing new. However, traditionally, children just drew on sidewalks with it, but by creating chalkboard walls, you could create a dedicated space for your children to draw and express themselves artistically outside. Turn a section of a fence or wall into a chalkboard wall by simply painting the area with a bit of chalkboard paint and then hanging a bucket of chalk nearby filled with colored chalks for your children to use.
Hanging Chairs
One of the hardest things to do is to get children to sit down, especially when they’re outside and are running around having fun. However, sometimes they need to rest. By giving children creative, fun places to sit, you might be more likely to be able to coax them into sitting down for a moment. Hanging chairs are a fun alternative to normal chairs. They can be suspended from a tree or board and come in many shapes, such as hollowed on spheres filled with comfy pillows. Your children could even lay in them and take a nap while gently swaying back and forth in the breeze.
Climbers and Slides
Climbers and Slides for kids and toddlers are always popular outdoors and for good reason. Children love climbing and sliding, but these aren’t generally activities that they’re allowed to do indoors. Consider getting a slide or two and a climbing wall that children can climb on. You can buy already-made climbing walls, or you could attempt to make your own by affixing various hand grips and small steps to a wall in pattern that children can play on.
The above ideas are just a fraction of some of the great ideas that you can implement into your backyard to facilitate playground fun for your kids. Use your imagination and innovation to come up with more based on what your child loves to do.
Outdoor Beach
Another one of the most fun backyard playground ideas out there is that of creating an outdoor beach. If your kids are like most, then they probably love the sandiness of the beach. Playing in the sand and building sandcastles and figures is fun. Bring a bit of the beach to your backyard by sectioning off a part of the yard and filling it will sand. Consider staking a canopy over the area to protect children from sunburn, and makes sure to place plenty of sand buckets and shovels in it for them to play with.
Music Fence
Music fences are some of the most innovative types of outdoor playground equipment out there. While treehouses and swing sets are fun, they can be expensive if you buy them pre-constructed. However, you can create a music fence relatively easily with old pots, pans and other materials that are likely already lying around your home. Music fences are simply fences or pieces of wood that you’ve affixed pots, pans, xylophone pieces from toy xylophones and other pieces of tin and metal to. Give you kids a couple of drumsticks and let them hammer away at the components on the musical fence to explore beats, melody and more. This is especially ideal for those children who are musically inclined.
Outdoor Twister
Almost everybody is familiar with the game of Twister, but it can actually be pretty hectic trying to play it indoors. Instead of playing it indoors, consider playing it outdoors. Pick out a section of your backyard, and paint the area to resemble a Twister board: spray paint six green, yellow, blue and red circles, and you’re good to go. Get a Twister board or make one and spin the wheel to watch children have tons of fun.
Caroline is a writer with years of experience in business administration. She enjoys meeting new people and reading more books to get inspired for her own book. Her twitter, @BCarolinebird12