3 Easy Tips For Organising Your Wardrobe Space


Most people don’t relish getting up on a cold, frosty morning and getting ready for work. It’s sometimes made more difficult by not being able to find anything in your wardrobe or misplacing one of your shoes somewhere else in the house.

And, even if you own an abundance of wearable items (maybe you’re even saving some items in a self-storage unit!) – it can often feel as though you still have nothingto wear.

Read on, and we’ll run you through some easy-to-remember tips to tackle an untidy wardrobe…

Begin by sorting through your clothing by item type

Begin by sorting through your clothing by item type
For example, it’s far easier to decide which pairs of shoes to keep if you look at them all together. So,get to work on pulling out your collections of footwear, dresses and jeans, have a look, and make a decision on what you’re going to keep and what you’re going to bin / donate / sell on.

You should now have as many as four piles to deal with at this point:

•Put back anything which you want to keep – some of it may have just been in the wrong place to begin with, so this is a great time to correct this!
•Put all donations in a plastic / bin bag and mark it clearly for the local charity shop
•Everything which needs to be binnedshould go into another plastic / bin bag, ready for the trash
•You may have another pile of sellable items, which you can tackle by listing on items like Ebay, Vinted, or Shpock

Edit what’s left in your wardrobe

Edit what’s left in your wardrobe
Now take a look at your remaining items and see if you can sort them into areas which make sense to you – perhaps by season, or by colour, or even by item type. Ensure that everything’s hanging tidily as much as possible, so that you don’t risk clothes falling to the bottom of your closet into a pile.

Try and look after more expensive items – perhaps reintroduce your designer bag to its dust case to protect it from being moved about over time!

It’s great to edit what remains in your closet now that you’ve had a bit of a clear out, but ideally you should be continuously assessing what’s in there over time, so that you avoid the space becoming untidy and disorganised again. Perhaps use the strategy of “if I buy a new item, one needs to go” to help keep things in order.

Invest in some snazzy storage equipment

Invest in some snazzy storage equipment
You don’t necessarily have to buy a bigger wardrobe in order to effectively store your wearable items.

Sometimes, buying some new colourful hangers or some transparent shoe box storage can help no end. Different coloured clothes hangers, for example, can help you to more easily spot particular items.

It’s really down to you devising your own system and what works for you!

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