When it comes to your home, ensuring you’ve chosen the most effective and reliable type of energy is hugely important. However, all too many of us simply stick with general power grid energy without directly considering the source of our power – and, in line with this, we can potentially miss out on a wide array of benefits.
Nevertheless, powering your home with green energy can actually offer a wide range of benefits. As such, today, we’re looking at some of the key things you should know about using green energy – and the benefits of doing so – to help you choose the most suitable approach for your needs.
8 Great Reasons to Use Green Energy for Your Home
If your property’s HV system runs on traditional sources of energy, you could be missing out on many greater benefits. Ouch! Some of the main reasons you might hence want to consider using green energy for your home’s AC system include the following.
#1 More Affordable to Install
One of the biggest reasons that people are now getting involved with green energy is that it’s become more affordable than ever. With green energy technologies now being more advanced, such solutions are also more affordable than before. This makes green energy much easier to afford at the outset.
#2 Long-Term Cost Efficiency
Did you know that green energy can be substantially cheaper for your home in the long term than traditional energy sources? On average, the cost per kWh is around 23 cents. Contrastingly, green energies are often substantially more affordable, often around half the price or better, giving excellent long-term cost efficiency.
#3 Generate Power at Home
We’ve mentioned the cost-efficiency of green energy already. However, this lies largely in the cost of purchasing power from a green energy supplier. If you choose instead to invest in solar panels and the like for your own home, you can generate your own electricity – in turn, cutting the costs further and giving you more control over your energy supply.
#4 Lower Your Carbon Footprint
Another great reason to consider using green energy to power your home and its air conditioning systems is that this can help lower your carbon footprint significantly. Indeed, the carbon footprint of traditional power supplies is concerningly high.
Not only do fossil fuels need to be mined from the earth, but shipping them worldwide and burning them to extract energy are all highly damaging processes. As such, finding a new approach to powering your home can really help, which is why green, clean energy solutions can be so popular.
In terms of carbon emissions and outputs, oil power is considered the most damaging, giving out almost one kilogram of CO2 for every kWh of energy. Coal is hardly much better, though, emitting around 820 grams per kWh. To put that in perspective, charging your phone for an hour per day uses up around 0.035 kWh, equating to 35 grams of carbon dioxide emissions every single week just to charge your device. That’s no small amount. In fact, over a year, that works out to nearly 2kg of carbon dioxide emissions just to charge your phone daily using oil or coal power.
So, how does that compare? Well, solar power – one of the most commonly used types of green energy for homeowners – only emits around 50g of carbon dioxide per kWh. That’s around eighteen times less emissions than oil. In short, the difference is staggering.
#5 Increase Power Stability
There’s nothing worse than being in the middle of a highly important job or task, only for the power to go down. This can be an incredibly frustrating situation – and in the most severe power cuts, it’s not unheard of for a small handful of people to lose their lives. For example, estimates suggest that over two hundred people died during the Texas Power Crisis in 2021, either as a direct or indirect consequence. This point puts the severity of power disruptions at the forefront of our minds.
However, with green energy, you can potentially help increase your home’s power and energy stability. If you choose to install panels in your home, you won’t be wholly reliant on commercial power supply for energy. In doing so, if a power cut should occur, you’ll still have power in reserve to draw upon.
Of course, how long this lasts will depend on the storage capacity and efficiency of your chosen battery. In line with this, if power stability is something you’re concerned about, we recommend choosing the highest-quality battery you can afford.
#6 Set an Example to Others
We all need to do our bit to help tackle the climate crisis – and investing in solar energy for your home does this two-fold. Of course, this helps limit your own contributions to carbon emissions, but it can also set an example for others, inspiring them to make a change in their lives.
#7 Less Infrastructural Limitations
In the past, green energy solutions demanded a significant amount of infrastructure and equipment. However, these days, technology has improved significantly, and this means that the infrastructure’s smaller and more efficient – tying in much more easily with your home’s current decor. Thus, if you’ve previously been held back due to infrastructural limitations, now might just be the time to consider investing in green energy equipment for your home.
#8 Not One or the Other
Just because you choose to invest in solar or green energy doesn’t mean you’re tied to it! So, if you decide that you’d like to use both green energy and traditional energy, that’s entirely up to you. In other words, you don’t need to choose one or the other.
Final Thoughts
With air conditioning units and other aspects of your HVAC systems being very costly to run – especially during the summer and winter – it’s perhaps unsurprising that finding new solutions can be important. Luckily, Green Energy AC Heating & Plumbing Repair can offer countless benefits.
Not only is it cheaper than traditional energy sources, but it’s also a great way to reduce your carbon footprint, improve your energy stability, and make a positive difference to inspire those around you. However, to get the most from them, it’s hugely crucial to keep things running efficiently; thus, make sure to seek out regular Green Energy AC, heating, and plumbing repair and servicing to keep your systems at their peak efficiency level.