Why is My Water Dispenser Leaking?


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If you own a water dispenser, you know how convenient it is. It provides fresher water, is better for hydration, and will also help you reduce soft drinks intake.

But then, what would happen if your water dispenser started to leak? It can spell trouble for your floor, not to mention slip and falls possibility on a wet floor.

If you have a water dispenser leak, you need to find the source of the leak first. All it takes is you to do a thorough inspection of the dispenser.

So, what causes a water dispenser to leak? A water dispenser leak can result from a loose spout or spigot, a faulty water valve, overflowing catch pan, trapped air, blockage in the waterline, or incorrect installation.

In this guide, we look deeper into the causes of water dispenser leaks and how to fix them. Keep reading.

Why Your Water Dispenser is Leaking

Water dispensers are not the same. Some use replaceable water bottles, while others are connected to the main water line.

This means that fixing a leak will depend on where the model is leaking from.

Discussed below are the reasons why your water dispenser might be leaking and how you can fix it.

1. Leaking from the Bottom

Your water dispenser might be leaking from the bottom because of incorrect installation, air or sediment blockage or drip tray overflow.

  • Incorrect installation

To install a water dispenser correctly, you need to follow the manufacturer’s instructions from the model’s manual. You can also get a professional to install it for you.

If the dispenser is poorly installed, it can start leaking with time.

To prevent leaks from improper installation, ensure all the parts of your water dispenser are correctly aligned.

If the components are misaligned, attach them correctly and ensure that threaded connections are screwed on straight. 

  • Air or sediment blockage

Irrespective of the brand, your water dispenser can get blocked by dirt or air bubbles. It is easy to identify air blockage as the water leakage is usually continuous.

To deal with air blockage, you have to remove the trapped air in the waterline. To do so,

  1. Place an empty container below the dispenser, press, and then release the lever for 5 seconds to release the trapped air.
  2. Wait until the water starts a solid continuous flow. The water will drain if you press the unit’s paddle and release it.

With dirt blockage, gently remove the blockage with a cleaning tool. Check all the tubes and lines to ensure that all dirt is removed.

  • Drip tray overflow

A drip tray catches excess water from the dispenser to prevent it from dripping on the floor. If it overflows, a leak can occur and mess up your floor.

To avoid leaks from a drip tray, check it regularly and remove excess water.

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2. Leaking from the Top

If your water dispenser is leaking from the top, it’s most likely because of;

  • A crack in the water bottle

A crack in your dispenser’s water bottle can cause pressure to change within the unit. This pressure draws water into the tank and causes an overflow.

If this is the case, you just need to replace the cracked water bottle with a new one.

3. Leaking from the Spout

The dispenser might be leaking from the spout because of poorly set taps or a loose nozzle seal.

  • Improperly set taps

If your water dispenser leaks from the spout, check the setting of the taps. Although it appears as the problem lies in the spout, the leak could be from the taps.

  1. Start by turning off the switch and unplugging the dispenser
  2. Then, place an empty container beneath each spout after opening the top cover. Check the control brackets as well.
  3. Remove each tap lever, gently lift and extend them. Then, depress every lever fully.
  4. Observe whether the spout drips after repeating the process 2 to 3 times.
  5. If the taps continue to leak, replace them.
  • Loose nozzle seal

The dispenser can also leak from the spout if it has a loose nozzle seal. If you can already see moisture on the seal, replace it to solve the problem.

Note that nozzle seals aren’t easy to purchase online. Take the old seal to a local hardware and compare the sizes to get the right fit.

4. Leaking from the Tap

Your water dispenser can leak from the tap in case of mineral buildup or if the taps are loose.

  • Mineral buildup

Most water dispense taps leak from the tap because of the mineral build up. If living in an area where hard water is predominant, you need to be on the lookout.

To get rid of the mineral deposits:

  1. Mix 1/3 liters of vinegar with a liter of water.
  2. Add the solution to your dispenser’s tank and let it sit in for 15 minutes. The mixture will break down the limescale buildup.
  3. Scrub the taps clean with an old toothbrush after dipping it in vinegar.

Repeat the process until all the buildup is gone.

After cleaning the dispenser, flush the reservoir with a gallon of fresh water to remove the taste of vinegar.

  • Loose taps

Your water dispenser’s taps can become loose over time. You just need to tighten them to stop the leak.

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5. Leaking from the Back

A water dispenser can leak from the back if it has a faulty valve or if the air is trapped in the waterline.

  • Faulty valve

If your own a top-loading water dispenser, chances are that it’ll leak because of a faulty valve. This happens if the water pressure in the dispenser is too high.

If this is the case, you just need to replace the faulty valve.

  • Trapped air

If air is trapped in your water line, it can cause changes in pressure in the dispenser. The changes in pressure cause water to leak from cracks in the dispenser or water line.

To solve the problem, flush about 3 gallons of water through the dispenser in 5-second intervals to get rid of the trapped air.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why is my water dispenser leaking after a filter change?

If your water dispenser leaks after a filter change, it means that water has entered into the water line and needs to be cleared.

Place an empty container under the taps and turn them on for 3 minutes to remove the air. This is enough time to remove all the trapped air.

2. Do I need to get a professional to fix my leaking water dispenser?

While some leakage issues like incorrect installation and improperly set taps might require professional help, others don’t.

For instance, if all that is required to stop the leakage is tightening a loose tap or replacing cracked water bottles, you can do it yourself.

3. What causes a water dispenser to leak?

A water dispenser can leak because of faulty valves, loose taps, cracked water bottles, mineral buildup, air, and dirt blockage, drip tray overflow, or incorrect installation.

4. Is it easy to repair a water dispenser?

Yes, it’s easy to repair a water dispenser since most have replacement parts. If you can’t fix it yourself, you can always seek professional help.

5. Should I unplug my water dispenser if not in use?

And why not? You can unplug the water dispenser if it’s empty, and you won’t be using it for some time (if traveling for a trip, vacation, and will be away for days).


Since a water dispenser is quite essential in your home, you need to ensure that it’s in good condition at all times. Should you notice a leak, try to rectify it as fast as possible if you don’t want to destroy your floor.

Also, every drop of water is equally important, and leakage leads to wastage. If you can avoid it, the better.

We hope that the guide helps you identify and fix any leakage in your water dispenser. Cheers!




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