What Should You Consider Before Building on the Beach?


The appeal of the ocean is inherent in everybody. We as humans are genetically drawn to the water. There are many reasons people seek buying property on the waterside; some see property ownership on the beach as a symbol of status and success, others want to invest in a housing trend that can only reap profit. Others still seek the carefree lifestyle ocean life provides, or the peaceful effects the beach can provide. Whatever the reason, take into consideration a few things before making the move.


Location on the beach

As miraculous as the sun setting behind the calm sea horizon can be, consider a few things before putting your home on the beach. If you are building on the sand, know that is is very difficult to do so. That is just one of the reasons why many structures are built on stilts, to lessen the amount of digging that has to be done during construction. This is the same for rocky areas. Both of these can increase the cost of your home; they can also increase your insurance premiums. Living on the beach comes with naturally occurring phenomena such as tides, erosion, and hurricanes; many will require you to take out additional insurance policies for the eventuality that your seaside home is devastated by one of these phenomena.


Construction costs and insurance premiums are not the only factors that can affect the price of your new home. The beach air itself can raise the price. The air is heavily salinated; the salt from the ocean can rust metals and damage many different types of materials.The materials used in construction by the ocean are resilient to the salty air but are not as inexpensive as materials farther inland. Beachfront property values are highly sought after, even fought over in bidding wars. They can be extreme compared to most inland properties; the demand typically stays above supply.

There are other expenses to consider before making the move to the water. Because property values are high, so too are the costs of living. You need to ensure your income is sufficient enough for the lifestyle you want to live. Then there is the added expense of decorating your new home. Chances are your modern style furnishings will not match the change in locales. The sharp angles and deep blacks may not go well with the blue ocean waters or the golden sand. You may need to replace a stiff couch with a more relaxing one, or a simple area rug with a soft, natural color scheme.


There are many health factors to consider before building your dream home on the beach. Just as with the construction materials, the salty sea air can have an effect on your body. People with eczema will find their condition flared up, constantly experiencing the itchiness of their condition.

Your eyes can also suffer from prolonged exposure to the sun’s harmful UV rays. By not wearing good quality sunglasses or squinting a lot, your eyes are being damaged or reshaped, affecting your eyesight. The salt water is not necessarily sanitary and trips down to the water could lead to bacterial infections or swollen corneas.

The air around the location you hope to build may not be as clean as you thought either. If there is a moderate or heavy amount of traffic on the water (or even on the roads of the city), then the air can be polluted, counteracting the healthful effects of the ocean.

There are many positive effects on the body provided by oceanside living. The air that could be bad for your home is actually good for your lungs. The negatively-charged ions in the salty air helps your body absorb more of the oxygen it takes in. This improves many body functions and helps regulate serotonin which affects mood, sleep, and stress; the air makes you feel calmer and sleep better.

The view of the waves, though great for a vacation, are even better for you in the long-term. Combined with the relaxing sounds of the water washing up on shore, your brain can relax to a level not truly achievable in the bustling cities. The color of the sky reflecting off of the ocean is also a source of soothing. Blue has been found to be a calming color for humans and there is an overabundance of it on the coasts.

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