The Most Frequent Flooding Causes in Businesses and Homes



Flooding in businesses and homes is not an occurrence that happens exclusively to people who live near large bodies of water or below sea level. This can affect any person, in any moment, due to a variety of causes. Most importantly, do not let this affect you! There are a few steps you can take to prepare your home in order to best avoid flooding issues.

If your business falls victim to flooding, the resulting destroyed material and work tools may translate into large expenses. Your safety is the number one priority in a situation where your home or business has been flooded. In this case, you need to use the services of water restoration companies. First, make sure that the premises are properly evacuated and that any customers, employees, or others on your property are safely evacuated to a secure location nowhere near the flood itself. Be certain not to enter your home or business again until you are completely sure that it is safe to proceed. Sometimes a building or structure may appear safe and sturdy when, in reality, the structural integrity is compromised or even collapsed.  If the main power has not been properly disconnected, there is an added risk of fatal electrocution. The necessary precautions vary based on the potential causes of the flooding risk of your home. Some flooding sources include factors like:

Rain will causes water damage if it floods

A significant increase in flood and water damage has been caused by the severe weather systems and flash floods becoming more problematic. Although residents and homeowners have plenty of warning time to prepare for large storms and long rains, occasionally storms come out of nowhere, dumping enormous amounts of rain in a relatively short time period. This occurrence may trigger flash flooding, which can cause as much damage to homes as longer storms that traditionally cause flooding.

In recent years, the problem of flash flooding has grown across both the state and the country. Although a lot of this precipitation has assisted in the stabilization of the water supply of a state, it may cause flood damage as well. Contracting a professional landscaping company to build natural landscape barriers around your house may assist in protecting against sudden floods in order to prevent this water damage. A properly prepared professional landscape design plan can be more effective in protecting your home from sudden water surges as all land has different heights and plantings.

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Pipes and water line damage caused by flooding 

A common cause of flooding in homes is that caused by broken pipes or water lines. As time passes, pipes get older and may begin to rust. Also, if you have done any plumbing upgrades to your home recently, it is possible that unintentional damage has occurred that will pop up later in the form of a broken pipe. The best way to spot early signs of potential flooding from burst water pipes is by observing for signs of leaking pipes. There are also occasions where city water mains may burst, resulting in street and even home flooding, depending upon your home’s location. The only way to prevent this type of flooding is through appropriate landscaping.

Exploding hot water heaters trigger flooding

If a hot water heater happens to break, the entire tank of water may empty it’s full volume, filling a furnace area or  a basement. Although homeowners are not always able to notice this failing of their unit, early detection of problems may be possible through an annual maintenance check of the system. As with all mechanical devices, hot water heaters will eventually fail and will not last forever. But, all failing hot water heaters will flood the home in a different manner. When the pressure in the system is too high, hot water tanks may rupture due to the failing of pressure release valves or other components of the unit. Any hot water heaters more than ten years old should receive an annual inspection from a professional who may spot signs of weakness in order to detect early signs of issues.

What are some common dangers during water flooding?

  1. Safety and health dangers

If water clean up (or flood removal) is not performed immediately, flood and water damage may trigger an abundance of safety and health hazards, such as:

* Structural damage.

* Sharp edges and metals

* Sanitary hazards and diseases caused by standing water

* Electrical damage and hazards

* Contaminated drinking water

  1. Death

The loss of life is the most devastating impact that flood and water damage may have on you or on your business.  The leading weather-related killer in the United States is flash floods, taking the lives of people, wildlife, livestock, and pets.

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  1. Destruction of Property

Water damage, as a result of flooding, accounts for ninety percent of the damage associated with all natural disasters. Businesses, homes, property, equipment, vehicles, nothing is safe. Only a few inches of water can result in severe damage to a business or home, and the same goes for land and buildings.

  1. Economic Impacts

Only certain insurance companies and policies cover water damage from flooding, which has the potential to financially burden flood victims.  In the United States alone in 2011, the cost of all floods was over $8.5 billion. Review your current coverage today to ensure you possess appropriate flood insurance for your business or home. It may take several years for flood restoration to completely rebuild affected communities and get back to normal life.

If you experience flooding in your home, the best way to return to normal in the shortest time possible and with minimal damage is by way of professional water damage restoration services.  Services provided by water restoration companies offer an opportunity for property owners with flooding to have their home cleaned up and repaired directly after flooding.  Large-scale damage to your home or business provides an opportunity to rebuild in addition to minimizing potential damage or disruption that future floods may cause. Do not panic if your business has been the victim of flood damage. Consider it an opportunity to bolster your business against any future flood damage, instead of going through another disastrous ordeal. After your home or business is flooded, the quicker you respond with flood cleanup and water restoration, the less damage you will endure.

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