The Definitive Guide to Landscaping with Stones


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Landscaping is an important part of any home, and making the right decisions about your landscaping can be a difficult task. There are many factors to consider when laying out your yard including soil composition, slope of the land, and how much money you want to spend on materials. One popular option is stone landscaping which offers variety in size, shape, color and pattern for a more interesting landscape design. This article will help you decide if stone landscaping is right for you and give you some tips so that it’s not as difficult as it sounds!

Stone Selection

The first thing to consider when picking stones is the type of stone. There are many different types of stones, and each has its own pros and cons. Some common ones include:


This type of rock is fairly soft so it can be cut into any shape desired with a few basic tools like an electric drill, masonry saw or even a large hammer. Limestone comes in various colors from white to pink which make for beautiful landscaping features that will stand out against your lawn and other rocks you may have laying around your yard already! The downside to limestone however is that while it’s one of the more inexpensive options because it’s relatively easy on equipment costs such as drills, hammers etc., this means that once it’s cut, shaping it into a precise landscape feature can be difficult without the proper tools.


This type of rock is very hard and durable so it doesn’t break down as easily when exposed to the elements like other types of stone do over time. The downside however is that because granite is quite heavy for your average person to lift or maneuver you’ll need some really strong muscles just to pick up one piece from point A at your yard all the way back to point B which would be where you’re going to install it! If you don’t mind doing all the work yourself then this might not bother you but if there are any kids involved in helping out with landscaping stones then they could quickly get frustrated trying their best only to find that they just can’t do it.

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This type of rock is also very durable and strong so you don’t have to worry about the kids breaking it or anything but one downside for this stone compared to granite is that marble tends not to be quite as heavy which makes handling easier when installing your landscaping stones at home. 


Compared with other types of stone, slate is more brittle and isn’t nearly as hardy in general due to its composition making installation a breeze if you’re planning on doing it yourself without any help from anyone else because even children could pick up a piece all by themselves! The only thing though would be that over time these rocks tend break down rather quickly so keep this in mind when installing these types of stones.

Layout And Design Considerations

The first thing you need to think about when landscaping is the layout. Stone installations can be done in a variety of ways, but it’s best to keep them close together and not have any dead space or large gaps between stones. This will help group them into cohesive sections which then leads nicely into the design considerations.

Landscape Design

The size and shape of your landscape should dictate what type of stone installation style would work best with this area because there are many different types; some may only apply for certain parts of an outdoor environment such as corners whereas others like full yard coverage might serve better for larger gardens where all aspects are visible from one vantage point. 

Color Scheme

One important consideration that shouldn’t be overlooked is the color scheme. Landscape stones come in a variety of colors that can be used to create contrast and draw attention or they might also blend into an area seamlessly as it would with natural stone. 

What do landscape stones cost? – 

Cost really depends on what you’re looking for and how much needs to be done. It’s best if you know your budget beforehand, but there are some basic guidelines below:

The Importance Of Drainage 

Getting the drainage right is important, so you’ll need to dig a trench where your stones will be laid. The base of this trench should slope downwards at one inch per foot and it can’t be too deep or else water won’t drain away enough. 

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Stone for an outdoor setting are generally larger in size than those used indoors because they’re not covered by carpets like we might use inside our houses; therefore, there’s no way to disguise that imperfections with padding and rugs as would happen within our homes. This means that exterior landscaping stone must have rocks large enough on the surface level to provide good coverage while also being placed closer together than their indoor counterparts due to lack of room around them.

With that in mind, you’ll need to dig a trench where your stones will be laid. The base of this trench should slope downwards at one inch per foot and it can’t be too deep or else water won’t drain away enough (because the rock is so heavy). Fill the inside of the trench with gravel until it’s about two feet wide; then add more on top of that for drainage purposes. 

In most cases, people use sand as an additional layer beneath their rocks because it provides good insulation against heat loss from moisture since they’re often placed outside during cooler months than what we have indoors. When building a stone wall like this, lay down all but three rows first before filling them up with dirt. Then, after adding the dirt, you can finish off with a top row.

If you’re doing an outdoor project like this and need to dig up rocks from your property, use only hand tools to do so rather than power equipment (which is better for lighter weight jobs). You’ll want to make sure that they are all nice and level as well; if not it will affect drainage in one way or another. 

As far as landscape design goes, many people simply consider stone placement when they think about landscaping. For instance, lining the walkway or driveway could be done by using smaller stones on either side of where someone would walk down them. Another idea might be putting big boulders around trees so that they don’t get blown over by the wind.

The shape of rocks can also be used to create interest in a landscape design. For instance, using large stones in a garden might make it look more natural and allow for plants that need some form of elevation or protection from soil erosion (like succulents). On the other hand, smaller stones may give an opportunity to layer them up into something with visual texture like stepping stone pathways or sitting walls around trees.

Rocks come in many shapes and sizes so they’re not all equal when you start building your landscaping project; some are better suited than others depending on what you want out of your finished product! 

Considerations For The Climate Where You Live 

In a coastal environment, it would be wise to steer clear of any rocks that are porous or have high water absorption, as they’ll erode in the salty air.

For an area prone to wildfires, you may want to avoid using stones with combustible elements like lichens and mosses on them. 

Rocks can do more than just remain stationary when used for landscaping projects – they’re also perfect for embellishing existing features such as ponds or other water features! They come in all sorts of sizes so you can use large ones around the perimeter of your fountain while small ones might make great stepping stones from one side to another.

How To Plant Stones In Your Yard Or Garden

To plant stones in your yard or garden, start by removing any existing plants. Then dig a hole for the stone and make sure it’s deep enough to accommodate its height when placed upright. Next, add soil back into the space around where you dug up the original dirt – this will help with drainage issues as well as aesthetics! After that, position your rock and fill in any gaps with more of whatever material is missing: grass seed/turf plugs if needed; sand/gravel mixture if not.

For plants that require irrigation via sprinklers, be careful not to water them too close to rocks so they don’t get washed away during watering time…

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