Symptoms of Hearing Impairment – When to see a Specialist?


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All senses deteriorate with age. Not only eyesight begins to deteriorate, but often also hearing. If you, your family members, or your friends notice the first symptoms of hearing deterioration, it is probably time to see a specialist. First of all, however, self-detection of your own hearing defect is very difficult – the deterioration is usually gradual, and you often do not notice the difference until the deterioration is very advanced. A free hearing screening test can help. Hearing tests are often organized in the city centers, municipal clinics, or as part of medical projects.

Deterioration of hearing – what are the first symptoms?

It is easiest to spot the first symptoms of hearing deterioration in a close friend or family member. More and more often, he requires repeating certain sentences or words, usually does not respond to questions, or does not participate in the conversation. Since the symptoms are very slight, both the interested person and the people around him often ignore them. Such person is explained with being stressed, busy, or focused on his own problems. However, if such events become more common, we should take them seriously. It is then worth taking a simple test at home and asking a question from the other room, gradually increasing the timbre of your voice. If there is no response from the person, a hearing problem may be the case. A prophylactic free hearing test can be an easy start to a conversation about this. Sometimes it is worth inviting such person to be our company during such exam. Thanks to this, you can be sure that the person will be examined professionally. At the same time, it will not be necessary to have an uncomfortable conversation with him about the problem that he is pushing out of consciousness. It is worth taking care of our hearing on a regular basis and taking tests every now and then. In the event of a problem, quick reactions are the key factor in stopping the deterioration.

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Seeing a specialist – is it sometimes enough to rinse the ears?

Hearing problems are not always caused by age or disease. Lack of proper care, and especially the use of earbuds, causes the accumulation of earwax in the ear canals. It happens that they are clogged so tightly that it leads to hearing problems. During the first visit to the ENT doctor, you can undergo professional ear rinsing, which should remove the earwax. Thanks to this, your hearing will automatically improve. Sometimes the problem can be troublesome, but the solution is very simple and does not require complex medical interventions, but only a change in hygiene habits.

Free Hearing Screening Test – Great tool for detecting early hearing problems

Local and regional medical programs make the free hearing test available for literally everyone. Special mobile clinics in the form of tents and buses visit even smaller towns. Therefore, it is enough to tempt a person with problems to make use of it. If the result is negative, he will probably see a specialist and start professional treatment.

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