Should I Leave My Water Fountain On All The Time?


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Owning a water fountain is beneficial to both you and your house’s interior or exterior design. It offers a sense of luxury to your home that makes your interior look elegant. An outdoor water fountain could also illuminate your backyard and make it look stunning. 

Not just that, but it also has a number of health benefits, such as increasing humidity in the home or producing a sound that exudes calmness and a calming vibe in the atmosphere. You can choose from various water features online, such as a wall fountain for outdoors or a tabletop fountain for your indoor spaces. 

However, there is a downside in owning such a beneficial accessory; it must be taken with utmost care and maintained properly to attain its fullest benefits. Therefore, it would be best to know all the essential information you need to know about a water fountain. 

Let’s begin with answering the question of whether or not you should leave your water fountain on all the time. This is critical knowledge that any water fountain owner should be aware of, so get your pen ready and jot down the answer to this article.

Should I leave my water fountain on all the time?

It is critical, both financially and medically, to keep your water fountain running at all times. Let me explain them individually, starting with the financial part.  

1.Extend the lifespan of your pump

First and foremost, because the pump is not turned on and off, keeping your fountains on all the time extends the pump’s life. If well operated, your pump can last at least a year, if not three to five years. If you run the pump as much as possible, it will last longer.

2.Your water will also stay cleaner, which allows you to save water

If you turn your water fountain off, the water will be stagnant for a couple of hours, which is the reason why debris and other bacteria will build up faster than they should. If this occurs, you will be required to refresh the water on a regular basis or purchase cleaning supplies for your fountain. In addition, whenever you turn your water fountain off for some time, there will be sediments around the fountain once all the stagnant water evaporates. 

Most importantly, because the surface does not have to travel through a dry and wet cycle, continuous running of the water fountain minimizes the buildup of minerals on the fountain’s surfaces. 

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3.Save a considerable amount of electricity

People often think that it is best to turn off their water fountain to save some electricity. However, turning it on and off will consume a lot more energy than leaving it on all the time. This is because every time you turn on your water pump, the pump will need a huge horsepower to start working. 

This means that the pump will need twice the amount of energy it needs to pump the water and get it to flow. However, unlike when you turn it on all the time, the pump will only consume a lesser amount of electricity because the water is already continuously flowing.

Now that we are done with that, let’s go over how turning your water fountain on all the time is beneficial for your health.

4. Adds humidity in your house

Humidification is an important part of any area. This is because moisture helps to make the air breathable and fresh A water fountain can be used indoors in the same way as an open humidifier can. The water splashing evaporates as moisture in the air, giving the room the needed humidity.

I believe this list demonstrates how critical it is to maintain your water fountain running at all times. Please keep this important detail in mind as it can help you to save a considerable amount of money while still helping you to better care for your water fountain.

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