The traditional ways of real estate promotions are called “traditional” for a reason. The photo on park-benches, the poster on the school board — all of these are excellent ways to build a brand. But they are no match for the online resources.
The digital world has come a long way. Today you can use a website like and get a minute-long video in just a few clicks. A product that took many people to create a few years ago is available for free and done in minutes.
We see listing pages flooded with photos of homes, and each of them looks like the next one. In this clutter of the digital world, the way to get ahead is by standing out from the noise. Or rather, creating your own noise. To know about listing of properties, you can check out Georgia MLS Property Listings.
Here are a few ways to make an impactful impression and win new clients in just a few months.
1. Become The Local Hero
Here is how you build a solid foundation for your business as a realtor. Be in the minds of the local community. Become the go-source for all things in your area – from statistics, events, concerts, movies, information, and much more.
You can do this with a blog or a social media page. The idea is to build a brand around your region and attract the trust of the people. This practice will eventually help you create a loyal following that will buy homes from you.
You can also use this page to host events, quizzes, and much more. Another cool way to do this is in collaboration with other heroes in your area. These are store-owners, cafes, vendors, and local celebs.
When you make content with them or about them, it will help draw the region’s people.
2. Make an Agency Video
Videos are a powerful tool, and you can gain more followers and clients based on these. Many realtors today make videos that explain their working or the functions of the company.
This video helps your firm in two ways. It allows the people to quickly understand your operations and what you can offer to them. Secondly, they help enhance your online searchability. Statically prove that pages with videos rank higher on search results.
With the help of an online ad maker, these videos hardly take a few minutes to create. These platforms come with pre-set templates that can turn any script into a video seamlessly. The tone of the video should be informative and earnest. Click to read more.

3. Give Add-On Services
If you are looking to depend on conventional ways of building a reputation, the good ‘ole trick of free stuff will never fail. Everyone loves free value-adds, and these are sufficient to tip the scales in your favor.
One option is providing a few moving and packing services. Just having a small fleet of trucks or the collaboration with another trucking company can give you a competitive edge. Many people do not consider the roadblock of moving till it’s time, so letting them know you have an add-on is useful.
Additionally, these can be in the form of resources. Like free renovation plans, leads of designers, a reduced fee on drafting, and much more.
4. Use Real-Consumer In Promos
Have you been in the business for a while? Let it show in your promotions. The generous words of a past client can be more impactful than any ad or poster. These are genuine reviews of your service, the working process, or the agent as a person.
Shoot them into videos to help reach more people. Add them to your website or your social media pages. Some realtors also go as far as making well-scripted and conceptualized movies.
This film can cover the journey from no-home to home. An incredible happy story that will establish an emotional connection with new clients.
5. Play To A Few Person Niche Every Few Months.
If you are looking to take your online presence to a new high, then create a few campaigns. These are a set of promotions and content based on specific events or demographics. Here is how you do it.
Examine the calendar of the upcoming month and look for any memorable events or days of public significance. The aim is to use the online trends and social media buzz around those events to push your brand to new people.
The same is possible with demographic-specific plans. For example, you only produce content for a month that aims to sell homes to people with dogs. Thus creating posts, videos, images, and blogs about pet-friendly homes.
Taking these niches one step-at-a-time will give better clarity on content creation and ease the team’s pressure.

6. Be a Tips and Trips Source
Everyone likes trivia, and being the go-to source for this information will definitely put you on the map. Platforms like Reddit and Quora can be an excellent platform to showcase these skills and interact with real-life consumers.
Use forums to share information that is relevant to your domain to build your personal brand online. This information can cover facts like homeownership, home purchase, and home sales.
7. Subject Matter Expert
Lastly, the one way to gain trust and eyeballs is by showcasing your authentic skills as a realtor is by talking about what you know. Go a step further to be the one-stop-shop for all things home-sales.
On your blog or website, generate sufficient information about the domain of real-estate. Use graphics and designs to explain your work better. Share free resources about home-sales, deeds, escrow, charts, and maps.
Give information about hiring professionals, seeking loans, government policies on home sales — anything that can educate and enlighten the common-home-buyer. The aim is not to start a classroom but to establish credibility.

A majority of internet users look for informative or explainer content. By making the relevant volumes of this, you leverage these users and indirectly sell homes to them.
Final Thoughts,
Note that not all these tricks will work on the first attempt. It’s about trying as many options as you can, then sticking to the one that works. Creating a lasting memory in the minds of the audience is a slow-burn but worth the payoff when you see it.