When you think about the best ways to get your property ready for the upcoming winter, you probably think about checking your insulation to make sure your heating bill doesn’t go up, mowing your lawn one last time and replacing old windows that could let in cold air. However, having the right kind of equipment on hand is another important consideration that can improve your experience throughout the season by saving you from scrambling for last-minute solutions. Whether you already own a snow pusher for skid steer or this is your first time shopping for winter equipment, here’s a checklist to keep handy when you need to make sure you have everything you need for the season ahead.
Snow Blower
Some equipment is more or less useful for individual purposes based on geography. If you’re in a snowy area or northern climate, for example, it may be beneficial to keep a quality 3 point snowblower in your garage for when the snowstorms start pushing through your area. Snow blowers can save you plenty of time on otherwise tedious manual labor, and have numerous benefits, including:
- Simplifying a season-long chore
- Maintaining clear sidewalks and driveways
- Getting potentially damaging, heavy snow off your property roof
If you live in a warmer area that typically has mild winters, a snow blower is optional. However, you may still want to consider that freak snowstorms happen sometimes and when they do, you’ll be the envy of your neighbors if you’re the only one properly prepared to handle the weather conditions.
Fully Equipped Tractor
Depending on the size and purpose of your property, a fully equipped tractor complete with loader fork attachments is another item to keep on your winter checklist. Farmers in particular can benefit from having a sturdy tractor that keeps going even when the weather takes a turn for the worse. Farm work never stops, so make sure you have a tractor that’s equipped to perform consistently as well. You can help your tractor last through the winter by cleaning it regularly, storing it in a safe, dry environment and ensuring it gets frequent, thorough maintenance checks.
Backup Generator
Certain snowstorms can be particularly nasty and knock out power lines. While crews often work to restore power as fast as possible, it could be hours or even days before everything’s back to normal. If your property needs to be heated or you have items inside, like refrigerators, that rely on power to function, having a backup generator can be a true lifesaver. If your property is used as a business, keep in mind you may have to get a generator to meet regulation standards.
The winter months often bring cooler weather, snow and plenty of opportunities to stay cozy indoors, but if you’re concerned about keeping your property in top shape until the frost melts and plants start blooming again, you may have to stock up on specialized equipment. As you shop around for prep materials and pieces of equipment, you can pull out this handy checklist to get all you need for making it through the winter with your property in good shape. Find the winter equipment you need today.